In theory, WLS is the optimal estimator in the case where variance differs across subject. The FS implementation actually computes "psuedo-WLS" in which the weights are just the inverse of the first level variance. A true WLS would use the random effect variance plus the lower level variance. The first level variance is determined from the variance of the fMRI time series.


On 4/13/15 6:42 PM, ye tian wrote:
Hello Freesurfers,

I would like to be a little more specific about my question. Was heteroskedasticity a reason for Weighted Least Square (WLS)? If so, how did Freesurfer determine the weights?

Thank you!


On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 4:59 PM, ye tian < <>> wrote:

    Dear Freesurfers,

    Can someone please explain to me why WLS was chosen as the method
    of regression?

    Thank you very much!


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