If I set window min to 0 and window max to 3000 the images are displayed as expected.

Christina Rossmanith
Dept. of Neurology
University Hospital Mannheim
University of Heidelberg

On 06.02.2015 12:17, Pernille Iversen wrote:
g466_qMRI_R1.nii.gz <https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_UcVoCKdFenTkh6SUU4MVpxYjA/edit?usp=drive_web>
​Dear Ruopeng,
I just had to make sure about data rights issues before sending you the image. No problem there.

I have attached the nifti file that I used. There were some attachment size issues, please let me know if you cannot access the file.

Thank you for looking into this!

Kind regards,

On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 3:47 PM, Ruopeng Wang <rpw...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu <mailto:rpw...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>> wrote:

    Would it be possible to send us an image file that you had problem


    On Feb 2, 2015, at 7:38 AM, Pernille Iversen <pern...@drcmr.dk
    <mailto:pern...@drcmr.dk>> wrote:

    > Dear Freesurfer team,
    > We calculate our T1 images from quantitative sequences. I have
    tried to process one of these images with the FS pipeline and it
    finishes apparently without errors. However, when I try to load
    any of the .mgz files in Freeview, the images appears as a white
    box. Changing the slider settings for opacity, window, level, min
    or max does not help. The only way I can get a hint of a brain
    (including a lot of noise) is to change color map to colorlut, so
    maybe Freeview has problems with showing these images.
    > Any suggestions how to proceed? Are there any special settings I
    need for the image generation?
    > Thanks in advance.
    > Pernille
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Pernille Iversen, PhD
Manager of Reader Centre
Danish Research Centre for Magnetic resonance
Center for Functional and Diagnostic Imaging and Research
MR-department, 714
Kettegaard Allé 30                         tel: 00 45 3862 6205
Hvidovre Hospital                          fax: 00 45 3862 1620
2650 Hvidovre mail: pern...@drcmr.dk <mailto:pern...@drcmr.dk> Denmark www: www.drcmr.dk/ <http://www.drcmr.dk/> www.cimbi.dk <http://www.cimbi.dk>

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