Hi Fabrizio

the strange error message is a bug in our reporting (which I just fixed), 
but it isn't the source of your problem.

Does the cortex.label file exist? Note that you are specifying the right 
hemi label file for the left hemi stats, which is almost certainly wrong. I 
also don't think you need to specify the path to the label file, it assumes 
it is in subjid/label (so just -l lh.cortex.label should be sufficient)


Wed, 4 Mar 2015, Fabrizio Piras wrote:

> Dear FreeSurfers,
> I need to extract mean thickness from a manually defined label which is now 
> in subjid/label (named mpfc.label)
> I tried with mris_anatomical_stats using the -l flag but here is what I got
> iMac-di-Mac:label fabriziopiras$ mris_anatomical_stats -l 
> subjid/label/rh.cortex.label -b subjid lh limiting computations to label 
> subjid/label/rh.cortex.label. reading volume 
> /Volumes/immagini/freesurfer/subjects/subjid/mri/wm.mgz... reading input 
> surface /Volumes/immagini/freesurfer/subjects/subjid/surf/lh.white... 
> reading input pial surface 
> /Volumes/immagini/freesurfer/subjects/subjid/surf/lh.pial... reading 
> input white surface 
> /Volumes/immagini/freesurfer/subjects/subjid/surf/lh.white... No such 
> file or directory mris_anatomical_stats: could not open label file 
> subjid/label/rh.cortex.label No such file or directory subjid: could not 
> read label file `<ks?
> The problem does not seem to depend on the label I created since I also tried 
> with rh.cortex.label which was done by freesurfer itself with same results
> Does anybody know why?
> Thank you in advance
> --------------------------
> Fabrizio Piras PhD
> --------------------------
> Laboratorio di Neuropsichiatria
> Dipartimento di Neurologia Clinica e Comportamentale
> IRCCS Fondazione Santa Lucia
> via Ardeatina 306 - 00179 Roma
> Tel. +39 (0)6 51501363
> Fax +39 (0)6 51501213
> web: http://www.neuropsichiatrialab.com
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