Hi All,
After using freeview to manually adjust the registration between a functional 
and T1.mgz generated by bbregister, I saved the registration file in freeview 
as lta format, which seems the only option.  However, the registration file has 
same file name for source and target volume.  So, when loading it again to 
freeview, the registration is totally wrong.   In order to avoid the problem, I 
converted the register.dof6.dat to lta formation, where the lta file has 
correct source and target volume name.  Then, I loaded the lta file generated 
from register.dof6.dat, did manual adjustment, and then saved adjusted 
registration as a lta file.  the final lta file has same problem.   I am using 
freesurfer 5.3.  Any suggestion is appreciated.
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