Hi Alexander - When you average over a larger region, you are potentially reducing noise but you may also potentially wash out an effect that is very localized by including more voxels where the effect is not present. That's the difference between the two measures, so they are at different points along the false positive/false negative trade-off. One other option would be to examine if your effect is localized by looking at the FA along the tract (from the pathstats.byvoxel.txt files) instead of averaging over the whole tract.

Hope this helps,

On Mon, 9 Feb 2015, Alexander Tomyshev wrote:

Dear Anastasia and Freesurfer team,

I used TRACULA to get FA values for two groups: patients and controls. After
that, I ran between group comparison and got circa >0.05 p-values for FA
_Avg_Weight values BUT circa 0.001-0.005 p-values for FA_Avg_Center for the
same tract.

Then I ran correlation analysis and found out that some clinical scores of
patients correlate with FA_Avg_Weight values (p-value of c. 0.02) and with
FA _Avg_Center values (but with p-values of c. 0.002). So the correlation
with FA _Avg_Center is more significant than correlation with FA_Avg_Weight.

Once again, when I use FA_Avg_Weight in between-group comparison I got
non-significant results (slightly >0.05 p-value), but when I use
FA_Avg_Center in such comparison I got significant group difference (c.
0.001-0.005 p-values).

My question is – can I use these results and say that there is a
statistically significant difference in FA values in some tracts? Of course,
I will mention that these difference is significant when we compare average
FA values of the highest-probability path only and does not reach
statistical significance if we compare average values over the entire tract
weighted by the value of the probability distribution at every tract’s
voxel. As I understand, theoretically and logically, comparison of average
FA values of the highest-probability path only (instead of comparing
FA_Avg_Weight values) has more statistical power to detect more subtle
differences between groups. And in my case comparison of FA_Avg_Weight
values just has not enough statistical power to detect such subtle
difference. Am I right?

I will very appreciate and will be happy to hear any of your thoughts
concerning written above and especially any thoughts on how to interpret
such difference between results using FA _Avg_Weight and FA_Avg_Center

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,
Alexander Tomyshev
Laboratory of Neuroimaging and Multimodal Analysis,
Mental Health Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences,
34 Kashirskoe shosse, 115522 Moscow, Russia
Email.: alexander.tomys...@gmail.com

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