Hello —

I’m trying to extract quantitative T2 values for different brain segments.
I’ve converted my T2 set of DICOMs to .mgz format using mri_convert and loaded 
them into freeview.
>> mri_convert -it siemens_dicom -ot mgz T2_maps_Dir/slice_1_T2_map.dcm 
>> T2_in_mgz.mgz

After loading T2_in_mgz.mgz to Freeview the T2 maps seem to coincide very well 
with the segmentation maps (aseg+aparc-in-rawavg.mgz).

My questions are:

1. Should I have applied some pre-registration operation on the T2 maps before 
loading them into freeview,
or does the fact that they coincide with the segmentation maps mean that I 
don’t need to apply any registration?

2. How can I extract mean T2 values for different segments? (not the usual 

Much obliged!
 — Noam

Noam Ben-Eliezer, PhD
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Radiology
Center for Biomedical-Imaging
New-York University Medical School

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