Hi Jacek

if you give us an example of what the desired output would be for you it would just be a couple of minutes to put it in the code. Or maybe someone can post some sed code (or some easy alternative) to parse the CNR out of the output.


On Wed, 21 Jan 2015, Jacek Manko wrote:

Oh, I thought it was already defined. I am referring actually to this thread...


...and, allowing myself to specify my problem, when I type the command 
'mri_cnr' what I become in my terminal is something more or less like that:

> mri_cnr ~/local_subjects/bruce/surf ~/local_subjects/bruce/mri/norm.mgz
> processing MRI volume
>         white = 95.8+-9.7, gray = 65.3+-17.9, csf = 40.1+-17.2
>         gray/white CNR = 2.241, gray/csf CNR = 1.026
> lh CNR = 1.633
>         white = 95.7+-9.9, gray = 65.5+-17.8, csf = 41.5+-17.4
>         gray/white CNR = 2.205, gray/csf CNR = 0.937
> rh CNR = 1.571
> total CNR = 1.602

My question is, if there is a way to export the CNR value, that is 1.602, to a 
seperate file alongside with the subject's ID. I suppose there are no such 
bulit-in commands in FreeSurfer, is that right?


Jacek Manko

Dnia 21-01-2015 o godz. 18:38 Douglas N Greve napisaƂ(a):
how do you want to define CNR?

On 01/21/2015 06:21 AM, Jacek Manko wrote:
Dear All,

I have been wondering if there is a way (already implemented in the
FreeSurfer) to export CNR measurement outputs to seperate file, like a
table or someting. If not, it will possible only via some pretty
advanced bash scripting, am I right? If so, has anyone some experience
with that matter?


Jacek Manko

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