I tried, here is the command:

mris_make_surfaces -cover_seg mri/aseg.mgz subjid lh

and the last 5 lines of the run:

smoothing surface for 5 iterations...
repositioning cortical surface to gray/csf boundary.
smoothing T1 volume with sigma = 2.000
creating distance transform volume from segmentation
ERROR: mris_make_surfaces-MRIcheckVolDims: volume1 height=256 != volume2

If this is it and not working, I wonder that editing the aseg to exclude
the nonlesional GM outside the pia, but leaving/ adding lesional GM of
interest, either under the GM label or a custom label would allow create a
'proper' volume, followed by surface generation. I known this is doable,
the question is whether the generated surface can be registered to sphere
and whether DK atlas can be applied (this is a more general question,
whether any surface generated outside the default recon-all pathway can be
registered to sphere and in effect become "pia" or another classical
boundary surface?)

example after labeling the lesion as 'o' (other):

% generate mask from aseg
cd /usr/local/fs5.3/freesurfer/subjects/subjid
mris_fill -c -r 0.1 surf/rh.pial mri/rh.pial.filled.mgz && \
mris_fill -c -r 0.1 surf/lh.pial mri/lh.pial.filled.mgz && \
mri_concat --combine --i mri/rh.pial.filled.mgz --i mri/lh.pial.filled.mgz
--o mri/pial.filled.mgz && \
cd ./mri && \
mri_binarize --i aseg.mgz --match o  --o lesion.mask.mgz && \
fscalc pial.filled.mgz add lesion.mask.mgz -o pialmask.mgz && \
mri_convert brain.mgz brain.float.mgz -odt float && \
mri_mask brain.float.mgz pialmask.mgz pialbrain.mgz

% generate new 'pial' surface:
mri_tessellate mri/pialbrain.mgz -a surf/lh.pialbrain.pial

Please advise,

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