Thank you Bruce!

I have another question:
I would like to show the statistical maps of differences in gyrification
and those of cortical thickness. Is it possible with freeview?
I would also like to calculate the degree of overlapping between these two
maps (percentage of vertices or mm2). Is it possible?

thank you!


> Hi Angela
> in tksurfer you can show the overlay, and use the "custom fill" button to
> fill the area that is above threshold on the surface. Then save it as a
> label and use mri_label2vol to write it into a volume. If the output
> volume
> you give has the extension .nii.gz it will save it in nifti for you
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Sun, 2 Nov 2014, wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I found some interesting findings about gyrification and I would like to
>> test any related problem in structural connectivity.
>> My idea was to use the area where I found significant lower gyrification
>> in my sample to perform probabilistic tracking with FSL.
>> My question is: is there any way to label the area of significant
>> difference (or I have to manually draw it) and to transform it in a
>> nifti
>> format?
>> Angela
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