Hi Matt
Not really. Is the white matter in those regions already 110?

> On Aug 12, 2014, at 8:21 PM, "Walton, Matt" <mt.wal...@alumni.uleth.ca> wrote:
> Hey Bruce,
> Is there anyway I can make edits to the grey matter to help with the 
> segmentation errors (i.e reclassify grey matter in the brainmask with voxel 
> edit so they are included in the pial layer).  Even with the addition of 
> control points and wm edits I'm still not getting a proper segmentation, 
> especially in areas like the temporal lobes and central grey matter where 
> signal is lower.
> Thanks,
> Matt
>> On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 1:20 PM, Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi Matt
>> the young age is probably why you are having to do extra work - incomplete 
>> myelination.
>> cheers
>> Bruce
>> On Thu, 7 Aug 2014, Walton, Matt wrote:
>>> Thanks for your help. It is most appreciated.
>>> I thought I would mention that these subjects are  quite young (3-4 years
>>> old). I've read a few posts that free surfer is not ideal for analyzing
>>> young subjects, so I am wondering if this might be causing some errors.
>>> Maybe there is a way to register to a paediatric template, or something?
>>> As well the raw T1w images always have an intensity bias in the occipital
>>> lobe. I'm not sure if this is from the coil itself (32 channel phased
>>> array), or just from the young subject age. Do you think ramping up the
>>> normalization procedures in freesurfer would result in an improvement?
>>> Thought I would just let you know this, incase it helps you.
>>> Matt
>>> On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 10:12 AM, Tirrell, Lee <ltirr...@mgh.harvard.edu>
>>> wrote:
>>>       Hi Matt,
>>>       Overall, I've made the following changes that have led to some
>>>       improvements:
>>>       - Remove excess dura from the brainmask that hasn't been
>>>       stripped away
>>>       - Erasing voxels from wm in areas where white matter should be,
>>>       even if the voxels don't show up as what on the wm mask. (If you
>>>       view the wm volume with the heat color map, and lower the mid
>>>       parameter to zero, areas that you have deleted show up in red) 
>>>       - Control points to push out the pial surface
>>>       Specifically for the case I sent you, I added control points
>>>       near 115, 89, 82 (+/- a few slices in the sagittal view) to move
>>>       the pial surface out further.  The wm intensity is decreasing as
>>>       it moves out along that strand, so adding control points in
>>>       these areas will increase the values to help Freesurfer
>>>       recognize it as part of the white matter surface.
>>>       Also, near 141, 116, 45 (sagittal view) there is a problem with
>>>       the wm surface. I tried deleting wm voxels as mentioned above,
>>>       but I don't think I was aggressive enough on the first attempt
>>>       so it didn't help much.  I will try this again to see if it
>>>       leads to further improvements.
>>>       Best,
>>>       Lee
>>>       On 08/06/2014 11:54 AM, Walton, Matt wrote:
>>>       Hey Bruce,
>>> Thanks so much. If it would help, I could upload another
>>> subject, perhaps one with worse segmentation in the occipital
>>> lobe. I could also upload a raw T1 image sequence (Nifiti)
>>> Matt
>>> On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 9:48 AM, Tirrell, Lee
>>> <ltirr...@mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:
>>>       Hi Matt,
>>>       I've taken a look at the subject that you uploaded. 
>>>       I initially deleted portions of the skull from the
>>>       brainmask that weren't removed from coronal slices
>>>       101-109 (see screenshot), which led to some
>>>       improvement.  I also edited the wm volume by
>>>       deleting areas that were obviously not white matter,
>>>       even if it didn't effect the white matter surface. 
>>>       However, this didn't lead to much improvement.  The
>>>       segmentation isn't as bad in this subject as in the
>>>       screenshot that you sent originally, so this
>>>       strategy may help in worse cases. 
>>>       I am going to take another look at it now to try to
>>>       improve the segmentation further.
>>>       Best,
>>>       Lee
>>>       On 07/30/2014 12:21 PM, Walton, Matt wrote:
>>>       Hey Bruce,
>>> I uploaded a subject that you requested a few days
>>> ago (problems with segmentation in the occipital
>>> lobe). I just wanted to make sure the file
>>> transferred successfully, and if you have had a
>>> change to analyze.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Matt
>>> On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 5:48 PM, Walton, Matt
>>> <mt.wal...@alumni.uleth.ca> wrote:
>>>       Hey Bruce.
>>>  I've sent one of my subjects in which I
>>> noticed the segmentation problems in the
>>> occipital lobe. Sagittal slice 115 provides a
>>> good example. I've also noticed that with my
>>> subjects I frequently have problems with
>>> segmentation of the temporal lobes, although
>>> adding control points usually fixes this quite
>>> well.
>>> Thanks for your help
>>> Matt
>>> On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 3:22 PM, Bruce Fischl
>>> <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:
>>>       Hi Matt
>>>       there are instructions on our
>>>       wiki. You can either ftp or use
>>>       the filedrop, although ftp is
>>>       probably best if you are uploading
>>>       an entire subject
>>>       cheers
>>>       Bruce
>>>       On Mon, 28 Jul 2014, Walton, Matt
>>>       wrote:
>>>             Hey Bruce.
>>>             Thanks for the
>>>             response. How do I go
>>>             about uploading the
>>>             subject?
>>>             On Monday, July 28,
>>>             2014, Bruce Fischl
>>>             <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>>             wrote:
>>>                   Hi Matt
>>>                   certainly
>>>             something is wrong,
>>>             but it's hard to tell
>>>             why from the
>>>                   single slice.
>>>             You have big
>>>             topological defects
>>>             that are being
>>>                   fixed
>>>             incorrectly. Can you
>>>             upload the subject and
>>>             we will take a
>>>                   look?
>>>                   cheers
>>>                   Bruce
>>>                   On Mon, 28 Jul
>>>             2014, Walton, Matt
>>>             wrote:
>>>                         Hello
>>>             Freesurfer team,
>>>                         I've used
>>>             freesurfer to segment
>>>             (recon-all)
>>>              approximately 30
>>>             different
>>>                         subjects
>>>             from a study. I've
>>>             noticed that a large
>>>                         number of
>>>             these subjects
>>>                         have a
>>>             misclassification of
>>>             the white and pial
>>>                         boundaries
>>>             in the occipital
>>>                         lobe (such
>>>             that grey matter is
>>>             being classified as
>>>                         white
>>>             matter). I believe
>>>                         this
>>>             problem is originating
>>>             from my scanner and
>>>                         original
>>>             data. I'm acquiring
>>>                         a T1W
>>>             BRAVO sequence on a GE
>>>             Discovery 750w 3T
>>>                         scanner,
>>>             using a 32 channel
>>>                         phased
>>>             array head coil. For
>>>             many subjects, this
>>>                         acquistion
>>>             gives intensity
>>>             inhomogeneity in the
>>>             occipital lobe.  I've
>>>             begun
>>>                         using a GE
>>>             based correction
>>>                         technique
>>>             (PURE) on the images,
>>>             and it appears to
>>>                         improve
>>>             the intensity in
>>>                         the
>>>             occipital lobe, but
>>>             Freesurfer is still
>>>                         frequently
>>>             misclassifying. 
>>>                         I'm
>>>             wondering what would
>>>             be the best way to
>>>             edit the
>>>                         data. I've
>>>             often tried
>>>                         to edit
>>>             the wm.vol, but this
>>>             doesn't seem to fix
>>>                         anything.
>>>             For the most
>>>                         part, the
>>>             wm.vol is correct to
>>>             begin with, but the
>>>                         wm cutting
>>>             line isn't
>>>                         segmenting
>>>             with the wm.vol. I've
>>>             also tried to add
>>>                         control
>>>             points but this
>>>                         doesn't
>>>             seem to improve
>>>             anything either.
>>>                         I've
>>>             attached an image
>>>             which I hope will
>>>             further
>>>                         explain my
>>>             problems. 
>>>                         Thanks for
>>>             any help
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