Hi dr Jerome J Maller
   The analysis I do this research was followed as the tutorials of freesurfer 
group analysis 
(https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FsTutorial/GroupAnalysis). The 
detailed was followed:
   (1) recon-all <subject> autorecon-all; (2)   recon-all -s <subject> 
-localLGI; (3) recon-all -s <subject> -qcache/recon-all -s <subject> -qcache 
-measure pial_lgi ; (4) mris_preproc --fsgd --catch-in thickness --target --out 
;(5) mri_glmfit --y --fsgd --C --surf --cortex --glmdir ;(6) using matlab to do 
clusterwise correction for multiple comparisons with mri_surfrft_jlbr.
In the result file, there are files 
(sig.cw.neg.mgh,sig.cw.pos.mgh,sig.vw.neg.mgh.sig.vw.pos.mgh). Lastly, I look 
the result with command of mri_surfcluster. I want to extract the data of each 
subject in the regions of significant. 

Thank you

Wang Kangcheng
Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University, China
Email: kangchengwang0...@gmail.com / wangkangcheng....@163.com
Address:  No.2 Tiansheng Road, BeiBei District, Chongqing, 400715,P.R.China 
From: Jerome Maller
Date: 2014-06-13 13:50
To: 王康程
Subject: Fwd: [Freesurfer] How to extract significant result for each subject
Hi Wang,

Here are my instructions for extracting data from Freesurfer:

How to export the data from Freesurfer into SPSS
1.      After you have conducted a QDEC analysis, a new directory will have 
been created in the “qdec” directory called “stats_tables”. Navigate to this 
2.      Copy all of the files in the directory (they will all have a .dat 
extension) onto a Windows computer
3.      Open MS Excel
4.      Select on a .dat file (although it may appear with a .stats extension) 
and then open it (you may have to select “delimited”, then “tab”)
5.      Save the file in Excel 97-2003 format
6.      Close Excel
7.      Open SPSS
8.      Change the option in the navigation window to show “All files”
9.      Select the Excel file which you have just saved
10.  The Excel file will now open in SPSS. 
11.  Save As
12.  Complete this process for all of the .dat files
13.  Once all .dat files have been converted to SPSS format, merge them (using 
the merge feature in SPSS: Data à Merge Files à Add variables)


Jerome Maller

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kangchengwang0...@gmail.com <kangchengwang0...@gmail.com>
Date: 13 June 2014 12:53
Subject: [Freesurfer] How to extract significant result for each subject
To: freesurfer <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>

Dear freesurfers,
   I contrast depression and control and find that patients have a lower 
thickness in region of inferior frontal gyrus. Now, I want to extract the data 
of thickness for each subject. Could you tell which command could do this?
Thank you

Wang Kangcheng ( New learner of freesurfer )

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Dr Jerome J Maller   BSc,GradDipPsych,MSc,PhD
NHMRC Industry Career Development Fellow (CDF)
CETBIR (Centre for Excellence in Traumatic Brain Injury) Postdoctoral Research 
Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre (MAPrc)
Central Clinical School, Monash University and Alfred Hospital
4th Floor, 607 St Kilda Rd, Melbourne VIC
Adjunct Associate Professor
Centre for Research on Ageing, Health and Wellbeing, Research School of 
Population Health, ANU College of Medicine, Biology and Environment at the 
Australian National University.
Phone: +61 3 9076 2404
Fax: +61 3 9076 6588
Mobile: +61 419 221 454
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