Dear Freesurfers,

I have a question about whether it is possible to check how well each 
participant in my study lines up with the Freesurfer template in order to check 
how midline structures were split. I am concerned about how well my ACC ROIs 
line up with the midline of the brain, and would like to check for 
cross-hemisphere contamination along the medial wall. I am particularly 
interested in detecting any potential residual rotation along the Y axis.

I have projected cortical ROIs onto the cortical surface of the average brain 
using the mri_vol2surf function and then used annotation files for the left and 
right hemisphere to project my ROIs from the average template into 
participant's native space using the mri_surf2surf function.

My question is whether it is possible to get an image of how well the fully 
segmented Freesurfer image lines up with the template? Preferably in an axial 
view with both hemispheres visible.

Thanks in advance!


Sarah K. G. Jensen
Ph.D. Student
Department of Psychology
Institute of Psychiatry
King's College London
Phone: +44 (0)75 2789 3171
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