Dear Freesurfer-Experts,

I would like to create gifti-surfaces to use in matlab.

That's what I am doing so far:

mris_convert lh.white lh.white.gii

I then try to open it using the "gifti" command

however, I get an error message from matlab:

??? Attempt to reference field of non-structure array.

Error in ==> gifti.subsref at 28
varargout{1} ={j}.space.MatrixData;

Error in ==> gifti.struct at 17
[values{i,:}] = subsref(this(:), substruct('.',names{i}));

Error in ==> gifti.display at 17
eval([display_name ' = struct(this);']);

Am I missing something? Is there anything special with the .gii file form FS?

Any help is appreciated!
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