Hi Doug,
Thanks for the reply.
Those are the two steps I followed to extract vertexwise surface area,
thickness and pial_lgi values
Step 1: mri_surf2surf --hemi ?h --srcsubject SUB001 [thickness, area or
pial_lgi] --src_type curv --trgsubject fsaverage --trgsurfval SUB001-area
--trg_type curv
Step 2: mris_convert -c SUB001-area ?h.white SUB001-area.asc
Can you direct me on how to get vertex wise thickness, surface area and
pial_lgi values for a subject and extract in a ascii file.
And also, if I want to convert ascii file with thickness values to freesurfer
format, how would I do it?
On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 11:29 AM, Douglas N Greve
<gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:
what is your command line? The one below is not a valid command line.
On 04/15/2014 11:23 AM, sabin khadka wrote:
> Hi all,
> Related question to this.
> I am trying to extract vertexwise surface area values in an ascii
> files. For that I am doing
> mri_surf2surf --hemi ?h --srcsubject <subject dir> area --src_type
> curv --trgsubject fsaverage --trgsurfval XYZ-area --trg_type curv
> mris_convert -c XYZ-area ?h.white XYZ-area.asc
> However I am getting surface area values for some vertices as negative.
> 1) Am I following correct steps while writing vertex-wise values in
> ascii files?
> 2) Aren't values of surface-area supposed to be non-negative?
> I am not sure what I am missing here. For some reason I am not able to
> post questions to freesurfer support list by myself.
> Thanks for the help.
> -Sabin
> On Friday, April 11, 2014 3:18 PM, Jonathan Holt <whats...@umich.edu>
> wrote:
> I’m trying to find a way to extract thickness values at each vertex
> for a given subject, and as a part of that process I need to ensure
> that each subject has been mapped to a common area, such that their
> vertices have a direct correspondence, but I’m not entirely sure how
> to go about it.
> I’ve started with mris_preproc but the output is an mgh, which I’m not
> sure is useful for my endeavor.
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
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