Hi Ruthger
no, they are not the same. mris_expand generates a smooth
non-self-intersecting surface, which is definitely not guaranteed by
simple projection.
On Fri, 4 Apr 2014, Righart, Ruthger wrote:
Hi Markus,
Thank you, excellent tool and gives exactly what I was searching for!
Is the resulting surface the same for mris_expand taken at 50% as the
one that is used in mri_vol2surf with flag projfrac 0.5? I wondered if
something is done differently as processing time for mris_expand is much
longer (at about 14 min.) as compared with mri_vol2surf (couple of
minutes). Any ideas on this would be welcome!
Le 2014-04-03 16:39, Markus Gschwind a écrit :
Hi Ruthger!
Use mris_expand to create a surf inside or outside of white
mris_expand surf/lh.white -1 surf/lh.white_1mm_inside
# use positive values for outside ?h.white border
mris_expand -thickness surf/lh.white -1
# this samples in % of GM thickness, use positive values for outside
2014-04-03 16:24 GMT+02:00 Righart, Ruthger
Hi All,
mri_vol2surf has the flags --projfrac and --projdist. If I
these flags correctly, the volume is sampled inbetween the
surface and the pial surface (for ex. --projfrac 0.5 is midway). Is
there a possibility in tkmedit/Freeview to display with a colored
for ex. --projfrac 0.5 for a given subject? (actually similar to
was done by Salat et al., NeuroImage 2009, 48, p23, fig 1A,
http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/pub/articles/salat_2009.pdf [1]).
Thank you very much in advance for your help!
All the best,
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