Hello all, How do I get aparc stats (area) using the pial surface, please?
Thanks, Andreia ----- Mensagem encaminhada de _andre...@sapo.pt ----- Data: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 11:31:13 +0000 De: _andre...@sapo.pt Responder Para: Freesurfer support list <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> Assunto: Re: [Freesurfer] mris_anatomical_stats aparc pial and aparcstats2table Para: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu, vi...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Hi Louis, It didn't work either. This is what shows up in the terminal after running mris_anatomical_stats: mris_anatomical_stats -mgz -f ../stats/rh.aparcpial -b -a ./rh.aparc.annot -c ./aparc.ctab FERNANDORODRIGUES rh pial INFO: assuming MGZ format for volumes. computing statistics for each annotation in ./rh.aparc.annot. reading volume /home/user/visao/Freesurfer//FERNANDORODRIGUES/mri/wm.mgz... reading input surface /home/user/visao/Freesurfer//FERNANDORODRIGUES/surf/rh.pial... reading input pial surface /home/user/visao/Freesurfer//FERNANDORODRIGUES/surf/rh.pial... reading input white surface /home/user/visao/Freesurfer//FERNANDORODRIGUES/surf/rh.white... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/terrier_001/users/nicks/freesurfer/average/colortable_desikan_killiany.txt) Saving annotation colortable ./aparc.ctab table columns are: number of vertices total surface area (mm^2) total gray matter volume (mm^3) average cortical thickness +- standard deviation (mm) integrated rectified mean curvature integrated rectified Gaussian curvature folding index intrinsic curvature index structure name 1272 793 2092 2.485 0.342 0.141 0.042 24 2.4 bankssts 1184 957 2200 2.419 0.757 0.226 0.187 248 11.5 caudalanteriorcingulate 3222 2408 5307 2.324 0.512 0.136 0.040 58 4.8 caudalmiddlefrontal 2468 1735 2917 1.798 0.388 0.150 0.064 54 5.2 cuneus 504 582 1801 3.807 0.663 0.256 0.084 24 2.0 entorhinal 4892 3757 9658 2.696 0.715 0.183 0.073 167 15.0 fusiform 8153 6383 13887 2.315 0.543 0.160 0.049 179 16.6 inferiorparietal 4885 3695 10298 2.929 0.668 0.171 0.069 187 14.8 inferiortemporal 1470 1045 2169 2.137 0.673 0.200 0.129 154 8.8 isthmuscingulate 6612 4848 10068 2.208 0.530 0.161 0.058 217 15.6 lateraloccipital 3665 2871 6467 2.380 0.684 0.186 0.067 123 11.1 lateralorbitofrontal 4593 3224 5598 1.811 0.528 0.170 0.072 165 13.4 lingual 2623 2020 4262 2.290 0.776 0.191 0.072 179 8.1 medialorbitofrontal 4570 3991 10068 2.785 0.605 0.169 0.052 154 10.0 middletemporal 1041 802 1923 2.621 0.705 0.161 0.058 20 2.4 parahippocampal 2067 1415 2808 2.156 0.580 0.115 0.024 20 2.1 paracentral 1534 1130 2779 2.551 0.445 0.149 0.042 29 2.5 parsopercularis 1366 1265 2718 2.458 0.607 0.184 0.049 23 2.9 parsorbitalis 2166 1826 3699 2.258 0.484 0.166 0.048 34 4.8 parstriangularis 2637 1647 2528 1.563 0.436 0.137 0.043 47 4.7 pericalcarine 6180 4524 7746 1.879 0.596 0.122 0.030 62 7.3 postcentral 1694 1270 2783 2.265 0.721 0.188 0.088 64 7.6 posteriorcingulate 7118 5162 11283 2.336 0.590 0.115 0.027 67 8.4 precentral 5554 4071 8657 2.206 0.527 0.149 0.051 108 12.8 precuneus 975 856 2003 2.660 0.591 0.167 0.063 27 2.8 rostralanteriorcingulate 8524 6942 13736 2.121 0.581 0.163 0.047 168 16.2 rostralmiddlefrontal 9820 7927 17866 2.426 0.605 0.150 0.043 144 16.4 superiorfrontal 8910 6920 12666 1.952 0.561 0.134 0.033 102 11.5 superiorparietal 5164 4064 9880 2.602 0.579 0.141 0.041 129 8.5 superiortemporal 4538 3307 6832 2.129 0.591 0.140 0.035 63 6.4 supramarginal 395 426 864 2.488 0.541 0.199 0.057 6 0.9 frontalpole 612 699 2018 3.610 0.559 0.213 0.073 17 2.2 temporalpole 479 330 680 2.330 0.353 0.110 0.024 3 0.5 transversetemporal 3442 1950 6183 2.886 0.890 0.376 1.131 154 291.0 insula [user@localhost label]$ aparcstats2table --hemi rh --subjects FERNANDORODRIGUES --parc aparcpial --meas area -t rh_FERNANDORODRIGUES.aparc.surface.pial.txt Number of subjects : 1 Building the table.. ERROR: cannot find /home/user/visao/Freesurfer/FERNANDORODRIGUES/stats/rh.aparcpial.stats Use --skip flag if you want to continue in such cases Maybe is the mris_anatomical_stats that has something wrong? I've been using the command for Brodmann Areas and just tried to adapt it to aparc. For BA I've also had to run label2label and had to create a new BA.annot but that was because I had to get the thresholded BA values, I think this doesn't apply to aparc. From aparc I only want to get surface area based on the pial surface. Thank you, Andreia Quoting Louis Nicholas Vinke <vi...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>: > Hi Andreia, > If you remove the underscore from aparc_pial for the --parc flag in the > aparcstats2table command, that should do the trick. > -Louis > > On Wed, 26 Mar 2014, _andre...@sapo.pt wrote: > >> Hello list, >> >> I'm trying to get aparc surface area from the pial surface in a table >> using aparcstats2table but I'm not being able to... >> >> I've already created the file aparc_pial.stats inside the stats dir >> running the following command line from the subjects's label dir: >> >> mris_anatomical_stats -mgz -f ../stats/rh.aparcpial -b -a >> ./rh.aparc.annot -c ./aparc.ctab subjectname rh pial >> >> And if I open the aparc_pial.stats file the surfaces are bigger then >> in aparc (white matter). >> >> But when I try to get the table using: >> >> aparcstats2table --hemi rh --subjects subjectname --parc aparc_pial >> --meas area -t rh_aparc_surface_pial.txt >> >> I get the message: >> >> Number of subjects : 1 >> Building the table.. >> ERROR: cannot find >> /home/user/visao/Freesurfer/subjectname/stats/rh.aparc_pial.stats >> Use --skip flag if you want to continue in such cases >> >> What's wrong? >> >> Thank you, >> Andreia >> >> >> _______________________________________________ >> Freesurfer mailing list >> Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu >> https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/freesurfer >> >> >> > _______________________________________________ > Freesurfer mailing list > Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu > https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/freesurfer > > > The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is > addressed. 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