On 12/12/2013 10:08 AM, Emily Boeke wrote:
> Hi Freesurfers,
> I would like to make sure I am using the funcroi commands correctly for 
> anatomical and functional ROI analyses (using the aseg to anatomically 
> constrain), and I have some questions about the commands.
> If I want to extract the average percent signal change in the whole left 
> amygdala for a particular contrast, is this the correct version of the 
> commands to run?
> 1. funcroi-config -seg aseg.mgz 18 -roi <name>.cfg -analysis <analysisname>
> 2. funcroi-sess -roi <name>.cfg -sf sf.txt -df sesspar
> 3. funcroi-table-sess -roi <name>.cfg -sf sf.txt -df sesspar -o <name>.txt -c 
> <contrast> -m cespct
> If I want to extract the average percent signal change from an anatomically 
> constrained functional ROI (e.g. an ROI representing activation in a certain 
> contrast within the lh amygdala), is this the correct version of the commands 
> to run:
> 4. funcroi-config -seg aseg.mgz 18 -roi <name>.cfg -analysis <analysisname> 
> -contrast <contrast> -sign pos -thresh 1.3
> 5. funcroi-sess -roi <name>.cfg -sf sf.txt -df sesspar
> 6. funcroi-table-sess -roi <name>.cfg -sf sf.txt -df sesspar -o <name>.txt -a 
> <analysisname> -c <contrast> -m cespct
> My questions are (regarding the second set of commands):
> -in the right hippocampus example under funcroi-config --help, the anatomical 
> constraint is specified with --annot aseg.mgz 53, but it should be --seg 
> aseg.mgz 53 like in my examples, correct? Otherwise you get an error.
Oops, you're right. I've made the change in our tree.
> -Is it ok to use one analysis name in the funcroi-config file and another  in 
> funcroi-table-sess? Would that allow me to make an ROI from one analysis and 
> use it to extract signal from another analysis?
> -If I get a message saying some subjects had "empty ROIs" and the value in 
> the table for them is 0, does this mean that subjects had no activation 
> (meeting the threshold specified) in the first contrast I specified (in 
> funcroi-config) so no ROI could be created from their activation?
> -If I want to look at activation in more than one anatomical region (for 
> example, bilateral amygdala), is there any way to do that with the -seg 
> option?
The way to do this is to create a new segmentation for each subject that 
contains only the amyg, eg,
mri_binarize --i aseg.mgz --match 18 54 --o amyg.mgz
This creates a mask of the amygdalae in which the amygdala voxels = 1 
and everything else is 0
Then specify --seg amyg.mgz 1 Use 1 here because the amygdala voxels = 1


> Pardon the long message. Thanks for the help!
> Emily

Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
Fax: 617-726-7422

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