Hi Freesurfers,

I would like to make sure I am using the funcroi commands correctly for 
anatomical and functional ROI analyses (using the aseg to anatomically 
constrain), and I have some questions about the commands.

If I want to extract the average percent signal change in the whole left 
amygdala for a particular contrast, is this the correct version of the commands 
to run? 

1. funcroi-config -seg aseg.mgz 18 -roi <name>.cfg -analysis <analysisname> 
2. funcroi-sess -roi <name>.cfg -sf sf.txt -df sesspar
3. funcroi-table-sess -roi <name>.cfg -sf sf.txt -df sesspar -o <name>.txt -c 
<contrast> -m cespct

If I want to extract the average percent signal change from an anatomically 
constrained functional ROI (e.g. an ROI representing activation in a certain 
contrast within the lh amygdala), is this the correct version of the commands 
to run:

4. funcroi-config -seg aseg.mgz 18 -roi <name>.cfg -analysis <analysisname> 
-contrast <contrast> -sign pos -thresh 1.3
5. funcroi-sess -roi <name>.cfg -sf sf.txt -df sesspar
6. funcroi-table-sess -roi <name>.cfg -sf sf.txt -df sesspar -o <name>.txt -a 
<analysisname> -c <contrast> -m cespct

My questions are (regarding the second set of commands):

-in the right hippocampus example under funcroi-config --help, the anatomical 
constraint is specified with --annot aseg.mgz 53, but it should be --seg 
aseg.mgz 53 like in my examples, correct? Otherwise you get an error.
-Is it ok to use one analysis name in the funcroi-config file and another  in 
funcroi-table-sess? Would that allow me to make an ROI from one analysis and 
use it to extract signal from another analysis?
-If I get a message saying some subjects had "empty ROIs" and the value in the 
table for them is 0, does this mean that subjects had no activation (meeting 
the threshold specified) in the first contrast I specified (in funcroi-config) 
so no ROI could be created from their activation?
-If I want to look at activation in more than one anatomical region (for 
example, bilateral amygdala), is there any way to do that with the -seg option?

Pardon the long message. Thanks for the help!

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