Hi Vincent,

for the surface based analysis (SBA) base and long runs need to be 
correct. You mainly need to do potential edits in the base. For a full 
description of potential manual edits (and where to make them) see:
If you edit base, you need to re-run all longitudinals.

QAtools  http://freesurfer.net/fswiki/QATools
may be helpful for checking things and you can run them on the base and 
the longitudinals to make sure everything is right. I usually check 
skull strip and surfaces etc. manually and never used the QATools.

For Tracula, also base and long runs need to be correct.

Best, Martin

On 10/11/2013 11:17 AM, vbrun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu wrote:
> Dear Freesurfer experts,
> I want to do a quality check on our imaging data. I used the longitudinal
> stream for SBA and as the first step for the longitudinal white matter
> analysis with TRACULA.
> We had two time points in our study and thus, in the freesurfer output
> directory there are 5 folders per subject (2 cross-sectional runs, 2 long
> runs and the base).
> 1. Would you recommend to use (all of) the QA_TOOLS on all of these 5
> folders per subject for the SBA?
> 2. Independent of the previous question, for the longitudinal version of
> TRACULA would you recommend to use (all of) the QA_TOOLS on the freesurfer
> base folder only / additional folders?
> 3. In addition to the late visual check for well reconstructed pathways
> with freeview, is there another automated possibility to check the quality
> of the diffusion weighted images beforehand/do you think this is
> necessary?
> 4. On another note: If I understand correctly, in TRACULA bedpostX is used
> to reconstruct the pathways but then the mean over the voxels that were
> hit (by the MCMC sampling of the paths) of measures from the tensor model
> are taken as outputs. I wonder, is there also the possibility of using the
> partial volumes f1, f2,.. as output measures?
> Best,
> Vincent
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Martin Reuter, Ph.D.
Assistant in Neuroscience - Massachusetts General Hospital
Instructor in Neurology   - Harvard Medical School

A.A.Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
149 Thirteenth Street, Suite 2301
Charlestown, MA 02129

Phone: +1-617-724-5652
Web  : http://reuter.mit.edu

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