Dear Anastasia,

To 4.:
I am comparing TBSS with Tracula results and it seems TBSS now 
additionaly allows to analyze the partial volumes f1, f2.. of the 
bedpostX step in a sensible way. My question is:
Can I use the bedpostX output from Tracula? I guess so but I am not 100 
% sure as with Tracula I have used the T1 weighted image as the volume 
with no diffusion weighting in order to construct the nodif_brain_mask 
that is necessary for bedpostX whereas the TBSS processing steps were 
all run with a mask extracted with BET. Is this different mask a problem 
for following voxelwise TBSS analysis of the data in all_F*_skeletonised?

Best, Vincent

Am 10/11/2013 2:13 PM, schrieb Anastasia Yendiki:
> Hi Vincent - I'll take on the tracula-related parts:
> 2. For tracula, the part of the recon-all output that matters is the
> aparc+aseg. The surfaces will play a role only the DWI-to-T1 
> registration (assuming you opt to use bbregister).
> 3. It's important to check your DWI data for obvious motion artifacts, 
> (slices that are much darker than their neighbors). Right now this has 
> to be done visually, but it's on my list to produce some motion 
> metrics as part of the preprocessing.
> 4. The ball-and-stick model (that bedpostx fits to your data) is used 
> by the tractography algorithm in tracula, but there are no stats 
> produced on the parameters of that model currently. That's something 
> that can be added in the future as well. Note though that it wouldn't 
> make sense to just average f1 or f2 over the pathway, because 
> compartment 1 in one voxel may correspond to compartment 2 in some 
> other voxel.
> Hope this helps,
> a.y
> On Fri, 11 Oct 2013, wrote:
>> Dear Freesurfer experts,
>> I want to do a quality check on our imaging data. I used the 
>> longitudinal
>> stream for SBA and as the first step for the longitudinal white matter
>> analysis with TRACULA.
>> We had two time points in our study and thus, in the freesurfer output
>> directory there are 5 folders per subject (2 cross-sectional runs, 2 
>> long
>> runs and the base).
>> 1. Would you recommend to use (all of) the QA_TOOLS on all of these 5
>> folders per subject for the SBA?
>> 2. Independent of the previous question, for the longitudinal version of
>> TRACULA would you recommend to use (all of) the QA_TOOLS on the 
>> freesurfer
>> base folder only / additional folders?
>> 3. In addition to the late visual check for well reconstructed pathways
>> with freeview, is there another automated possibility to check the 
>> quality
>> of the diffusion weighted images beforehand/do you think this is
>> necessary?
>> 4. On another note: If I understand correctly, in TRACULA bedpostX is 
>> used
>> to reconstruct the pathways but then the mean over the voxels that were
>> hit (by the MCMC sampling of the paths) of measures from the tensor 
>> model
>> are taken as outputs. I wonder, is there also the possibility of 
>> using the
>> partial volumes f1, f2,.. as output measures?
>> Best,
>> Vincent
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