That is not possible, but there is an easy work-around which is to use

mri_segstats --i gamma.mgh --sum group_effectsize_clusters.txt --seg  
mc-z.th1.3.pos.sig.ocn.mgh --excludeid 0


On 10/09/2013 03:24 PM, Kayle Sawyer wrote:
> Hi,
> Using FS 5.3, I ran a group analysis with mri_glmfit-sim to identify clusters 
> where my two groups differed (along with many other analyses, e.g. age slope 
> for each group). For each cluster, I would like to see what the mean group 
> difference is, in mm. So, I used this command:
> mri_segstats --i gamma.mgh --sum group_effectsize_clusters.txt --annot 
> fsaverage rh ./mc-z.th1.3.pos.sig.ocn.annot
> Unfortunately, mri_segstats looks in the wrong place for the annot file, 
> prepending "$SUBJECTS_DIR/fsaverage/label/rh." instead of looking in my 
> present GLM directory that I typed the command from.
> In comparison, if I manually create a label for one of the clusters from the 
> ocn.annot, and use the label, mri_segstats works:
> mri_segstats --i gamma.mgh --sum group_effectsize_clusters.txt --slabel 
> fsaverage rh ./label.th1.3.neg/rh.cluster-001.label
> This time, it doesn't try to look under fsaverage, but uses the present GLM 
> directory. Is there a way to override the SUBJECTS_DIR issue with --annot? I 
> tried without the "./", and with specifying the absolute path, but it still 
> pre-pended the "$SUBJECTS_DIR/fsaverage/label/rh." before the path. Or, 
> should I just create labels for each analysis, run mris_segstats for each 
> cluster, and then combine them all back together with grep?
> Thanks,
> -Kayle
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
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