Thanks Doug!
Could you give me an example please?  I cannot get it to work, with this
command I get a zero label...

mri_annotation2label --subject fsaverage --hemi lh --annotation --labelbase lh.mc_mycluster

thanks again!

On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Douglas Greve <>wrote:

> Hi Gari, you can use mri_annotation2label
> doug
> On 8/14/13 3:00 PM, Garikoitz Lerma-Usabiaga wrote:
> Hi list,
> we have a cluster that survived the Monte Carlo simulation for thickness,
> and we would like to obtain more data from that exact cluster (volume for
> example), is it possible to automatically create a label from that cluster?
>  If I use mri_binarize or mri_cor2label is not working (I understand that
> the clusters are not stored as individual vertexes in the .mgh file but I
> don't know what the format is.
>  Thanks in advance!
> Gari
>  PD: I am on a VPN and tksurfer is not working for manually creating a
> label with the contour of the cluster.
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