That is the right mincost (you can also find it in the .mincost file), and that cost is very good. Maybe too good. Make sure to look at the registration.
I don't know why things are not changing when you left right reverse. 
Try doing the flip with mri_convert
mri_convert lowb.nii lowb.lrrev.nii --left-right-reverse-pix


On 7/11/13 7:14 PM, Barron, Daniel S wrote:
Hi Doug, sorry to email again.

I just tested the bbregister --surf-cost method by registering a subject's 001.mgz (T1) with it's lowb.nii and lowbflipped.nii (intentionally L-R flipped). They both gave me the same final cost function, the 0.2305 highlighted below.
I verified that the lowbflipped is flipped in Mango: lowb.nii is 
X+,Y-,Z+; lowbflipped.nii is X-,Y-,Z+.  However, mri_info says the 
orientation for both is RPS.  I am not sure what this means.
Please help,

On Jul 11, 2013, at 5:58 PM, "Barron, Daniel S" < <>>

Hi Doug, thanks for the tip. I'm making a script to go in and grab the final cost from each subject's registration and display it in a table. Just to make sure, have I highlighted the correct Cost function below? This is from the log file produced by bbregister --surf-cost
Thanks again, Daniel

Writing lh cost to /Volumes/barrond/NYU/FreeSurfer/NC001/final.lh.mgh
Writing rh cost to /Volumes/barrond/NYU/FreeSurfer/NC001/final.rh.mgh
Number of iterations     5
Min cost was 0.230545
Number of FunctionCalls   376
TolPowell 0.000000
nMaxItersPowell 36
OptimizationTime 32.851000 sec
Parameters at optimum (transmm) -0.08284 -0.07071 -0.02021
Parameters at optimum (rotdeg)  0.19036 -0.00484  0.26953
Writing lh cost to /Volumes/barrond/NYU/FreeSurfer/NC001/final.lh.mgh
Writing rh cost to /Volumes/barrond/NYU/FreeSurfer/NC001/final.rh.mgh
Final costs ----------------
Number of surface hits 279254
WM  Intensity   880.2007 +/- 244.9590
Ctx Intensity  1084.7520 +/- 284.4271
Pct Contrast     20.3801 +/-  22.2371
Cost   0.2305 <-----Is this the right one??
RelCost   0.2309

On Jul 11, 2013, at 4:41 PM, Douglas N Greve < <>>

you can run bbregister using the b=0 image as input. The final cost
function value should beless than .9, if it is more than that then it
probably means you have an LR flip.


On 07/11/2013 03:52 PM, Barron, Daniel S wrote:
Dear Freesurfers,

I am trying to perform probabilistic tractography (FSL Probtrackx) between seed and target VOIs made with Freesurfer's recon-all (T1) and dt_recon (DW) pipelines.
I have the original T1 DICOMs, however, I only have the DW NIFTI 
image volumes.  I do not know how the DW DICOMS were converted to 
NIFTI and am worried about L-R flipping.
Within Mango, I have found the T1 images converted with mri_convert 
are (X+,Y-,Z+).  The DW NIFTI is (Y-,Z-,X-).  mri_info gives me a 
lot of information that, unfortunately, I do not entirely understand.
Can you recommend a way for me to verify consistent orientation in 
both my T1 and DW images?  Thank you!

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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center <>
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Fax: 617-726-7422

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