mri_label2label is what we would typically use. You can probably use bbregister to generate the registration from the old session to the new anatomicals

On Wed, 10 Jul 2013, Bianca van Kemenade wrote:

Flag -reassign is unrecognised unfortunately when I add it to the tksurfer-sess 
command I posted before. I tried it with
tksurfer P2_BK rh inflated -reassign, there at least it ran. However if I then 
use the tksurfer-sess command again and load the
labels I can only see that the labels changed a bit, but they are still not 

I assumed coregistering the new session to the (not inflated) anatomical used 
in the old session used to create the labels would
suffice, but apparently some other transformation needs to take place. Do you 
have an idea how to put the label in the same
coordinates? Sorry for my basic questions.


On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 6:03 PM, Bruce Fischl <> 
      you can try adding -reassign, but the label must be in the same coords as 
the anatomical for this to work. You'll
      know right away if it did or not though

      On Wed, 10 Jul 2013, Bianca van Kemenade wrote:

            Hi Bruce,

            Thank you for your reply. I coregistered the new data beforehand in 
SPM (to the structural of the old
            session). So I didn't do
            anything to the label. I displayed the structural with 
tksurfer-sess -c eccen -fthresh 0.5 -a
            rtopy.self.lh -s P2_BK (since I
            wanted to display my eccentricity data) and loaded the label just by 
clicking load --> label. Should I
            add -reassign in this
            tksurfer command, or is there a way to load the label with a 
command, to which I have to add -reassign?

            Also, I'm not familiar with freeview, I tried starting it by typing 
'freeview' but I get the error:
            freeview.bin: error while
            loading shared libraries cannot open shared object 
file: No such file or directory. It
            doesn't seem to depend on
            which directory I'm in.


            On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 5:19 PM, Bruce Fischl 
<> wrote:
                  Hi Bianca

                  how did you coregister the data? Did you map the label so 
that it is in the coords of the new
            session? If so, try
                  specifying -reassign on the tksurfer command line. That will 
discard the vertex indices in the
            label (which refer to
                  the first session surfaces) and reassign vertex numbers from 
the current subject. This will *only*
            work if the label
                  is in the correct coordinate system. You can verify this by 
loading it in freeview on top of the
            anatomical from the
                  new session

                  On Wed, 10 Jul 2013, Bianca van Kemenade wrote:

                        Hi Freesurfers,

                        I have some participants of whom I obtained retinotopic 
polar angle data in a previous
            session, and
                        scanned eccentricity data in
                        a later session. I used the polar angle data to define 
V1-3, and would like to display these
            labels on
                        the eccentricity session
                        to help me define V3A.

                        However, when I load my old V1-3 labels onto the 
inflated brain based on the new session the
            labels look
                        very strange. I
                        attached a screenshot of what is supposed to be lh 
dorsal V1, as you can see it is scattered
            all over
                        the cortex. When I load
                        the .nii based on the label into MRIcron, the ROI looks 

                        Data from the newer session were coregistered to the 
older session, so that can't be the

                        I looked around on the wiki and found the command 
mri_label2label that seemed useful.
            However, this
                        command needs acces to the
                        'surf' folders of both sessions. Due to a computer 
crash I only have the labels of the
            previous session,
                        not the 'surf' folder.
                        Is there a way to display my old labels onto the new 
session without needing access to


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            Bianca van Kemenade, MSc
            Doctoral Candidate, Berlin School of Mind and Brain

            Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
            Campus Charité Mitte
            Charitéplatz 1
            10117 Berlin

Bianca van Kemenade, MSc
Doctoral Candidate, Berlin School of Mind and Brain

Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
Campus Charité Mitte
Charitéplatz 1
10117 Berlin

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