Dear Bruce and freesurfers,

Someone has suggested to me that my problem is a result of the poor
resolution of the original MPRAGE data. If I know that my volume index of a
problematic point is (152,91,124), how can I map it onto my original MPRAGE
data and check?
Thank you very much!


On Thu, Jul 4, 2013 at 4:40 PM, ye tian <> wrote:

> Dear Bruce and Freesurfers,
> I am sorry that I am asking you this question, but I have trouble
> uploading my directory to freesurfer's ftp. I have tried the following
> 1. put /Path_to_subject/subjectDirectory
>          ---->     local: not a plain file
> 2. put -r /Path_to_subject/subjectDirectory
>           ---->     remote: Can't open '-r': No such file or directory
> 3. mput /Path_to_subject/subjectDirectory
>         ---->     [anpqy?] y  ---->  not a plain file
> 4. scp -r
> ---->    ?Invalid command
> 5. I compressed the subject directory into *put 
> *---->
>    local: Entering extended passive mode; could not create file
> Is there any other way to upload a file to ftp without manually "put" all
> the files in the directories and subdirectories one by one?
> I know that this question is unrelated to freesurfer, but I really
> appreciate it if someone can get me unstuck.
> Thank you all for being so patient with me.
> Sincerely,
> Ye
> On Thu, Jul 4, 2013 at 2:35 PM, ye tian <> wrote:
>> Dear Bruce and Christopher,
>> Thank you very much!
>> Yes, more white matter starts filling in afterwards. I am attaching the
>> first slice from which the problem starts to the first slice where the
>> problem is gone (4 total in Surfs.png).
>> I have trouble retrieving voxel coordinates. The command
>> *tkmedit subject orig.mgz -reg register.dat -ov mov.nii -surfs*
>> returns Error: can not find overlay reg register.dat
>> Is it okay if I just click on the yellow surface and write down the
>> "volume index" under "cursor" in tkmedit tool box?
>> Sincerely,
>> Ye
>> On Thu, Jul 4, 2013 at 11:32 AM, Bruce Fischl <
>> > wrote:
>>> Hi Ye
>>> one is surface-based and the other is voxel-based. It's impossible to
>>> tell which is correct from just a single slice. If you upload the entire
>>> subject directory to our ftp server and give us the voxel coords of that
>>> point we will take a look
>>> cheers
>>> Bruce
>>> On Thu, 4 Jul 2013, ye tian wrote:
>>>  Dear Freesurfers,
>>>> My first attempt of this message somehow didn't make it to the mailing
>>>> archive. In case it didn't go through, I am sending it again. Sorry to
>>>> bother you if you received the first message.
>>>> Two things I was wondering
>>>> 1) Why do the surfaces shown in the left and right panels disagree? (The
>>>> right one has a lot more white matter).
>>>> 2) Do I need to edit the white matter? It seems unreasonable to have
>>>> +8mm thick of grey matter. If so, I will probably paint more voxels to
>>>> wm.mgz.
>>>> Thank you very much!
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> Ye
>>>> On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 4:33 PM, ye tian <> wrote:
>>>>       Dear freesurfers,
>>>> I would like a second eye on my decision to edit wm.mgz. I think that
>>>> the boundary between the gray and the white is unrealistic (e.g.
>>>> Coronal.png). Furthermore, there is a discrepancy between -surfs and
>>>> -surfs -aseg (e.g. attached coronal_aseg.png).
>>>> If I indeed need to edit these slices, which way is more preferable,
>>>> adding voxels or control points?
>>>> Thank you very much!
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> Ye
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