Dear Buche,

Thank you very much for your quick reply.

Do you mean those lines: (from recon-all. log)
gca peak = 0.27536 (62)
mri peak = 0.11940 (97)
Right_Hippocampus (53): linear fit = 1.55 x + 0.0 (325 voxels, overlap=0.
Right_Hippocampus (53): linear fit = 1.55 x + 0.0 (325 voxels, peak = 96),


If this is what you meant, can you shed some light on this log. What
"gcapeak" /  "
mri peak"  means? And what the number insight the parentheses represent ?

Thanks in advance,

On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 9:49 PM, Bruce Fischl <>wrote:

> Hi Dov
> I think it writes out the log posterior at each iteration of the aseg
> (mri_ca_label)
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Tue, 25 Jun 2013, Dov Sadan wrote:
>  Hi there,
>> I'm wondering if there's any parameter which can assess the correctness of
>> the freesurfer's segmentation **( the aparc.a2009s+aseg.mgz **file).
>> --> Assuming the freesurfer's algorithm fitting/minimizing an objective
>> function, right ?  If so, where I can find the value of this
>> fitted function  ? (or RMS value ?)
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Dov
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