Hi again,
Zoe, Marcos is right about the fact that the script fails if the posterior*.mgz are not found in any

1- Set your $SUBJECTS_DIR variable as another another path and move your subjects directories (and only these directories to this place) and run the same script you tried (kvlQuantifyHippocampalSubfieldSegmentations.sh)

Rather than moving the subjects, I'd create symbolic links, but this is certainly an option.

Another option is to modify kvlQuantifyHippocampalSubfieldSegmentations.sh, replacing the two instances of:

 doIt "kvlQuantifyPosteriorProbabilityImages $compre....."


cmd="kvlQuantifyPosteriorProbabilityImages $compre....."
eval "$cmd"



Em Seg, 2013-06-24 às 16:00 -0400, Yang, Zoe escreveu:
Hi all,

I am getting error messages while running kvlQuantifyHippocampalSubfieldSegmentations.sh, similar to the error mentioned in an earlier email (http://www.mail-archive.com/freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/msg24430.html). We did use the -hippo-subfields flag for all of our subjects first, and the output was 20 left and right subfield mgz files (it completed without any errors). The subjects had already undergone the standard volumetric FreeSurfer pipeline and therefore we ran the command: recon-all -s subjectID -hippo-subfields.

The error message for kvlQuantifyHippocampalSubfieldSegmentation that I’m getting is:

resultsDirectory ***/HIPPOCAMPAL_TEST


resultsDirectory ***/HIPPOCAMPAL_TEST

startIndex: 1

endIndex: 2

cd subjectID_recon/

Quantifying subject ID_recon left

Doing left side

cd left

cd segmentationWithoutPartialVolumingLog

kvlQuantifyPosteriorProbabilityImages /Applications/freesurfer/data/GEMS/compressionLookupTable_left.txt posterior_Left-Hippocampus.mgz posterior_left_presubiculum.mgz posterior_left_CA1.mgz posterior_left_CA2-3.mgz posterior_left_fimbria.mgz posterior_left_subiculum.mgz posterior_left_CA4-DG.mgz posterior_left_hippocampal_fissure.mgz > volumeStats_left.txt

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'itk::ExceptionObject'

  what():  itkMGHImageIO.cxx:216:

itk::ERROR: MGHImageIO(0x46b690): Can't find/open file: posterior_Left-Hippocampus.mgz

kvlQuantifyHippocampalSubfieldSegmentations.sh: line 22: 50779 Abort trap kvlQuantifyPosteriorProbabilityImages /Applications/freesurfer/data/GEMS/compressionLookupTable_left.txt posterior_Left-Hippocampus.mgz posterior_left_presubiculum.mgz posterior_left_CA1.mgz posterior_left_CA2-3.mgz posterior_left_fimbria.mgz posterior_left_subiculum.mgz posterior_left_CA4-DG.mgz posterior_left_hippocampal_fissure.mgz > volumeStats_left.txt

failed to do kvlQuantifyPosteriorProbabilityImages /Applications/freesurfer/data/GEMS/compressionLookupTable_left.txt posterior_Left-Hippocampus.mgz posterior_left_presubiculum.mgz posterior_left_CA1.mgz posterior_left_CA2-3.mgz posterior_left_fimbria.mgz posterior_left_subiculum.mgz posterior_left_CA4-DG.mgz posterior_left_hippocampal_fissure.mgz > volumeStats_left.txt

Is there anything else that we are missing and should run?


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