On 06/25/2013 12:12 PM, Colin Reveley wrote:
> Doug - thanks that sounds well worth trying.
> the labels we have have arbitrary spatial resolution in the saggital 
> plane, and 1mm gaps between saggital slices.
> In general in this project we are using an isotropic resolution of 0.25mm.
> To generate surfaces in freesurfer I have to downsample to 0.35mm (to 
> fit into 256)
> in applying the procedure you suggest
> a) is it possible to use a volume with a dimension > 256?
yes, you just have to have an accurate registration
> b) is it possible to use a non-isotropic resolution?
> playing around with non-isotropic resolutions, projection fractions 
> and vote would yield different results.
> c) can mri_aparc2aseg output a volume > 256?
I don't think so. But you can use mri_label2vol to map the 256 to your 
volume, though you will probably lose some resolution
> 0.35 isotropic will be ok. we'd prefer 0.25 if we can.
> best
> Colin
>     ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>     From: Douglas Greve <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>     <mailto:gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>>
>     To: <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>     <mailto:freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>>
>     Cc:
>     Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 20:03:09 -0700
>     Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] ribbon label volume mapping
>     You could run mri_vol2surf at different projection fractions (and
>     using nearest neighbor interp). This will create a set of files,
>     one for each projection fraction. You can then run mri_concat with
>     the --vote option to get you the most frequently occurring label.
>     You could then use mris_seg2annot to create an annotation.
>     If you want to go the other way, you will need to combine your
>     labels into an annotation (mris_label2annot), then convert that
>     into a volume with mri_aparc2aseg.
>     doug
>     On 6/22/13 10:08 AM, Colin Reveley wrote:
>>     If one has a volume of integers, each representing a cortical area,
>>     can one map that to the surface as a set of labels, in a smart
>>     way that e.g. takes the mode of the voxels that lie on the vector
>>     between equivalent white and pial nodes (ie uses curvature and
>>     thickness information, tacitly or explicitly)?
>>     the labels are not exactly on the ribbon. There are many voxels
>>     outside the ribbon that are non zero. Like caudate etc.
>>     and some voxels that are within the ribbon but are zero because
>>     the label data is was/is non-isotropic originally (which is the
>>     problem we want to solve in fact).
>>     that would be great.
>>     Now let's say you already have labels on a mesh.
>>     can you generate a ribbon volume of labels, i.e. the opposite
>>     operation to what I enquire about above (opposite but not inverse
>>     operation)?
>>     This is work in rhesus. So my pipeline is very barebones indeed,
>>     really just
>>     mri_normalize
>>     ...
>>     mri_tesselate
>>     mri_inflate/smooth/sphere
>>     mris_fix_topology <-noaseg -noaprc>
>>     mris_make_surfaces <-naseg -noaparc>
>>     I only have access to what is generated by that sequence or what
>>     I can subsequently generate.
>>     I can generate a freesurfer like ribbon with mris_fill.
>>     My understanding of labels and data mapping in general in
>>     freesurfer is very poor.
>>     Maybe adapting one of your matlab scripts might be an idea, if
>>     there is not another way?
>>     many thanks,
>>     Colin,
>>     Sussex
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
Fax: 617-726-7422

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