Dear FreeSurfers,
I want to convert cortical labels to volumetric masks, and I run the following
1. tkregister2 �Cmov sub/mri/rawavg.mgz �Cnoedit �Cs sub �Cregheader �Creg
2. mri_label2vol �Clabel ./lh.entorhinal.label �Ctemp sub/mri/rawavg.mgz
�Csubject sub �Chemi lh �Co sub_lh_entorhinal.nii.gz �Cproj frac 0 1 .1
�Cfillthresh .3 �Creg ../mri/register.dat
if I do not run the recon-all command, could I change the rawavg.mgz to sub.nii
(original data)?
The second problem is that when I convert the annotation file to volumetric
mask, whether I should convert the file to labels using mri_annotation2label
first, then run the commands as decribed above, or there is a way that could
convert the annotation file to volumetric mask directly?
The last problem is that how to convert the .curv file and .w file to volumetic
Any help will be very appreciated.
Best wishes,
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