Hi FS experts: I am trying to map AAL template onto FS surface to create surface-based AAL template. Several days ago, i asked this question, and Garikoitz Lerma gave me some suggestions. Possibly, i think the process is like as folllows: 1. downloa the Colin27 subject in Surfrend page, and transform it to the latest FS version (5.2 currently). 2. obtain register.dat between Colin27 subject and single_subj_T1.nii under the canonical directory in SPM8 using bbregister. bbregister --s Colin27_subject --mov single_subj_T1.nii --reg register.dat --init-fsl --t1 3. transfrom each AAL ROI to the surface file with register.dat file obtained above using mri_vol2surf. mri_vol2surf --mov AAL_ROI.nii --reg register.dat --projdist-max 0 1 0.1 --interp nearest --hemi lh \ --out lh.Colin27_AALROI.mgh --reshape 4. use mri_label2label or mri_segstat to obtain the cortical thickness of each ROI for individual subject. My question is about the first step. How to transform the Colin27 subject to FS version 5.2? that is to say how can i get the FS version of Colin27 template instead of fsaverage template? Hope someone gives me some suggetions. Besh wishes.
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