Dear All,

We have been running the recon-all pipeline in 5.2 and have been encountering 
some difficulties with segmentations. We have isolated these issues to problems 
with Talairach registrations, and have been re-running recon-all with the 
Talairach registrations manually corrected in tkregister2; however, doing so 
appears to worsen our segmentation problems. In particular, the orig surface 
appears substantially shrunk away from the filled and white matter volumes. 

Has anyone encountered such difficulties with manually corrected Talairach 
registrations placed in the processing stream, or indeed, seen the surface 
shrink to such an extent? We initially provided recon-all with synthesised 
volumes obtained using MRI-synthesise from the developer version (our raw scans 
are high-resolution PDw and T1w volumes).

Any insights would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,


Daniel Carey, M.Sc.,
Marie Curie PhD Fellow,
Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development,
Birkbeck College,
32 Torrington Sq.,

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