Hi Freesurfers,

I did an FIR analysis to get the BOLD response over time, the following way

mkanalysis-sess -analysis Afterimage_FIR2.rh -surface self rh -native
-fwhm 5 -paradigm ShapeAE_New.par -event-related -polyfit 1 -mcextreg -TR
1.000 -nconditions 8 -force -fsd bold  -fir 4 14

I then generated the relevant contrasts, ran the funcroi-config command,
and the func-roi-table-sess command to create 14 files for my ROI, each
containing the signal value at 14 different time points.

funcroi-table-sess -sf sessid -roi Labels/rh.V1 -c condition1 -map cespct
-o ROI/frame0 -frame 0

funcroi-table-sess -sf sessid -roi Labels/rh.V1 -c condition1 -map cespct
-o ROI/frame1 -frame 1

funcroi-table-sess -sf sessid -roi Labels/rh.V1 -c condition1 -map cespct
-o ROI/frame13 -frame 13

My question is this:

To what time point (relative to stimulus onset) does the value in the
frame0 file correspond?

As I understand it, the first 4 frame values should correspond to activity
pre-stimulus. However, this expectation is not corroborated by the timing
and pattern of the BOLD response I am observing.

I would appreciate any guidance on this issue.


Cesar Echavarria
Freesurfer mailing list

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