Hi Rotem
that's always a problem with FA estimation (the partial volume stuff I
mean). It's hard to diagnose this without seeing some images. Can you send
some of the registration?
On Tue, 26 Feb 2013, Rotem Saar
Hi Bruce,
Thanks for your answer and sorry about the delay in mine.
Registration seems fine, but I came up with some questions regarding it -
1) When testing the registration, using the "compare" button, I can see both
the diffusion and what is suppose to be the anatomical slices - but why
do the anatomical data it smoothed and doesn't look like a clear anatomical
image ? can this be related ? maybe i did something wrong ?
2) Another thing I thought about was that the corpuse-callosum values are very
high, but values for the ventricles are really low - so that even
really small shifts in the registration can bring to a situation that values in
the ventricles are higher than expected. Do u suggest manual
intervention in registration that will mainly follow the mid-sagittal slice ? I
don't mean ignoring the others, but mainly test the fit according the
mid-sagittal slice.
If u have any other ideas for why this is happening - I would appreciate it if
u share them with me in order to think of a solution.
Thanks !
2013/2/18 Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
Hi Rotem
that does sound high. Have you checked the registation between your
diffusion data and the anatomicals?
On Mon, 18 Feb 2013, Rotem Saar wrote:
Hi all,
I run into somthing that seems odd to me and wanted to consult -
I run the following script for getting the FA values from my DTI
1) dt_recon --i
--s FOLDER-NAME --o /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/FOLDER-NAME/DTI
2) tkregister2 --s fsaverage --surf white --reg
/usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/FOLDER-NAME/DTI/fa-tal.nii.reg --mov
3) tkmedit FOLDER-NAME orig.mgz -aux brain.mgz -seg wmparc.mgz -reg
/usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/FOLDER-NAME/DTI/register.dat -overlay
/usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/FOLDER-NAME/DTI/fa.nii -fthresh 0.2
-fmax 1
4) mri_vol2vol --mov
--targ /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/FOLDER-NAME/mri/orig.mgz --s
FOLDER-NAME --interp nearest --o
5) tkregister2 --mov
/usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/FOLDER-NAME/DTI/fa_marsal.nii --targ
/usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/FOLDER-NAME/mri/orig.mgz --reg
6) mri_segstats --seg
/usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/FOLDER-NAME/mri/wmparc.mgz --ctab
$FREESURFER_HOME/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt --i
/usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/FOLDER-NAME/DTI/fa_FOLDER-NAME.mask.nii --sum
I got a table with all the FA values, for each segment, but I
suspect a
problem: I think that the values are too high (I set the threshold
0.2-1), am I right ?
I'm attaching the table I got, and to be specific, I'm very much
in the Corpus-Colosseum values, which are high (not surprising) but
when I
wanted to validate with some other structures, like the "left
putamen" I saw
0.53 which is to my opinion too high ?
I would really appreciate if you can have a look at the table I
Can u guide me regarding what I can do to solve the problem ? Is
that any
way to confirm that after the mask, I am left only with white
matter ?
Thanks !
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