Hi Bruce,

Thanks for your answer and sorry about the delay in mine.
Registration seems fine, but I came up with some questions regarding it -

1) When testing the registration, using the "compare" button, I can see
both the diffusion and what is suppose to be the anatomical slices - but
why do the anatomical data it smoothed and doesn't look like a clear
anatomical image ? can this be related ? maybe i did something wrong ?

2) Another thing I thought about was that the corpuse-callosum values are
very high, but values for the ventricles are really low - so that even
really small shifts in the registration can bring to a situation that
values in the ventricles are higher than expected. Do u suggest manual
intervention in registration that will mainly follow the mid-sagittal slice
? I don't mean ignoring the others, but mainly test the fit according the
mid-sagittal slice.

If u have any other ideas for why this is happening - I would appreciate it
if u share them with me in order to think of a solution.

Thanks !


2013/2/18 Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>

> Hi Rotem
> that does sound high. Have you checked the registation between your
> diffusion data and the anatomicals?
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Mon, 18 Feb 2013, Rotem Saar wrote:
>  Hi all,
>> I run into somthing that seems odd to me and wanted to consult -
>> I run the following script for getting the FA values from my DTI scans:
>> 1) dt_recon --i /usr/local/freesurfer/**subjects/FOLDER-NAME/DTI/**
>> I00001.dcm
>> --s FOLDER-NAME --o /usr/local/freesurfer/**subjects/FOLDER-NAME/DTI --b
>> /usr/local/freesurfer/**subjects/FOLDER-NAME/DTI/**bvals.bval
>> /usr/local/freesurfer/**subjects/FOLDER-NAME/DTI/**bvecs.bvec
>> 2) tkregister2 --s fsaverage --surf white --reg
>> /usr/local/freesurfer/**subjects/FOLDER-NAME/DTI/fa-**tal.nii.reg --mov
>> /usr/local/freesurfer/**subjects/FOLDER-NAME/DTI/fa-**tal.nii
>> 3) tkmedit FOLDER-NAME orig.mgz -aux brain.mgz -seg wmparc.mgz -reg
>> /usr/local/freesurfer/**subjects/FOLDER-NAME/DTI/**register.dat -overlay
>> /usr/local/freesurfer/**subjects/FOLDER-NAME/DTI/fa.**nii -fthresh 0.2
>> -fmax 1
>> 4) mri_vol2vol --mov /usr/local/freesurfer/**subjects/FOLDER-NAME/DTI/fa.
>> **nii
>> --targ /usr/local/freesurfer/**subjects/FOLDER-NAME/mri/orig.**mgz --s
>> FOLDER-NAME --interp nearest --o
>> /usr/local/freesurfer/**subjects/FOLDER-NAME/DTI/fa_**FOLDER-NAME.nii
>> --reg
>> /usr/local/freesurfer/**subjects/FOLDER-NAME/DTI/**register.dat
>> 5) tkregister2 --mov
>> /usr/local/freesurfer/**subjects/FOLDER-NAME/DTI/fa_**marsal.nii --targ
>> /usr/local/freesurfer/**subjects/FOLDER-NAME/mri/orig.**mgz --reg
>> /usr/local/freesurfer/**subjects/FOLDER-NAME/DTI/fa_**FOLDER-NAME.nii.reg
>> 6) mri_segstats --seg
>> /usr/local/freesurfer/**subjects/FOLDER-NAME/mri/**wmparc.mgz --ctab
>> $FREESURFER_HOME/**FreeSurferColorLUT.txt --i
>> /usr/local/freesurfer/**subjects/FOLDER-NAME/DTI/fa_**FOLDER-NAME.mask.nii
>> --sum
>> /usr/local/freesurfer/**subjects/FOLDER-NAME/stats/**
>> all_stats_fa_FOLDER-NAME
>> I got a table with all the FA values, for each segment, but I suspect a
>> problem: I think that the values are too high (I set the threshold to
>> 0.2-1), am I right ?
>> I'm attaching the table I got, and to be specific, I'm very much
>> interested
>> in the Corpus-Colosseum values, which are high (not surprising) but when I
>> wanted to validate with some other structures, like the "left putamen" I
>> saw
>> 0.53 which is to my opinion too high ?
>> I would really appreciate if you can have a look at the table I attached
>> here.
>> Can u guide me regarding what I can do to solve the problem ? Is that any
>> way to confirm that after the mask, I am left only with white matter ?
>> Thanks !
>> Rotem
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