Hi Freesurfers,

Sorry if this is a newbie question. I receive the following error when I
use mri_vol2surf to assign values from a subject volume file to each
surface vertex and cant fix this ...

mris_preproc command exits w/o errors in a previous step:
mris_preproc --s AC066 --target fsaverage --hemi rh --meas volume --out

$ mri_vol2surf --projfrac 0.5 --src /volstat/AC066-rh-volume.mgh --out
/volstat/AC066.volumefile.mgh --srcreg register.dat --hemi rh --float2int
tkregister --fixtkreg
srcvol = /volstat/AC066-rh-volume.mgh
srcreg = register.dat
srcregold = 0
srcwarp unspecified
surf = white
hemi = rh
ProjFrac = 0.5
thickness = thickness
reshape = 0
interp = nearest
float2int = tkregister
GetProjMax = 0
INFO: float2int on the command line (2) overrides that
      in the registration file (0).
INFO: float2int code = 2
mghRead(/volstat/AC066-rh-volume.mgh, -1): could not open file
ERROR: could not read /volstat/AC066-rh-volume.mgh as type 3

Thanks for all the help.

Shantanu Ghosh, Ph.D.
Harvard Medical School & Massachusetts General Hospital
Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging

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