Hi Fernando - Thanks for uploading your data. Looking at the primary directions from tensor fit on the data that you sent me (see screenshot), they seem to be off by a 90 degree angle from what you'd expect them. This means that your gradient table is probably off as well.
Hope this helps, a.y On Thu, 18 Oct 2012, Fernando Ventrice wrote:
Dear Freesurfer/Tracula users, Finally I could successfully test Tracula and I think it is amazing what it can do automatically. These are the commands I used: export FREESURFER_HOME=${HOME}/Programs/freesurfer_510 && source $FREESURFER_HOME/SetUpFreeSurfer.sh source /etc/fsl/fsl.sh export FSLPARALLEL=condor trac-all -prep -c /home/labneuroimg/STATION_FLENI/Tensores/Fernando_Ventrice/dmrirc_Fernando_Ventrice trac-all -bedp -c /home/labneuroimg/STATION_FLENI/Tensores/Fernando_Ventrice/dmrirc_Fernando_Ventrice # "trac-all -bedp" gave some errors so I used bedpostx directly: bedpostx /home/labneuroimg/STATION_FLENI/Tensores/Fernando_Ventrice/20120112_VENTRICE_FERNANDO/dmri trac-all -path -c /home/labneuroimg/STATION_FLENI/Tensores/Fernando_Ventrice/dmrirc_Fernando_Ventrice freeview -tv /home/labneuroimg/STATION_FLENI/Tensores/Fernando_Ventrice/20120112_VENTRICE_FERNANDO/dpath/merged_avg33_mni_flt.mgz -v /home/labneuroimg/STATION_FLENI/Tensores/Fernando_Ventrice/20120112_VENTRICE_FERNANDO/dmri/dtifit_FA.nii.gz & All finished without errors, but there seems to be a problem with CC Forceps Mayor volume, which gave very small values. Is this OK or I made some mistake? First I tested with some patient and other fiber tracks also gave very small volumes. I attached some pictures and the dmrirc and trac-all log files. Best, Fernando Ventrice El contenido del presente mensaje y el de sus adjuntos, es confidencial, privado y de uso exclusivo de los destinatarios a los cuales está dirigido, pudiendo contener información legalmente protegida. Queda prohibida la revisión, divulgación, publicación, modificación, copia, distribución o acción en relación con esta información, por personas o entidades distintas al destinatario. Si usted, por alguna razón, lo ha recibido por error, por favor tenga la amabilidad de eliminarlo de su sistema. Las opiniones contenidas, son exclusivas de su autor, y no representa necesariamente, la opinión de FLENI. http://www.fleni.org.ar
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