Thank you Bruce,
 I certainly understand your point. In my study I am trying to use whole
brain volume to normalize my volumetrics data. Due to the inclusion of the
dura into brain, I may get variation in the whole brain volume across
In addition the current issue is affecting the graymatter/whitematter
boundary that will also bring variation in the cortical thickness
That is the reason I was trying to get good skull stripping.

Your suggestions and guidance will help me.

On 10/2/12 2:05 PM, "Bruce Fischl" <> wrote:

>Hi Rashmi
>getting rid of all the dura without removing any problem is exceedingly
>difficult (if not impossible). Usually we live with some remaining dura
>as it doesn't affect the surface placement much.
>On Tue, 2 Oct 2012, Rashmi
>Singh wrote:
>> Hello experts,
>>  I am getting skull strip issues with FreeSurfer recon-all runs in every
>> data.
>> I ran recon-all on my T1-data and noticed that the skullstrip is not so
>> good. Almost in every subjects there were  dura included, so I tried the
>> suggestion of using the flags -skullstrip and -Clean?bm and ?gcut in my
>> recon-all command line for one subject. Forexmaple:
>> I ran reconall using the following command lin:
>> recon-all ?skullstrip first -clean?bm ?gcut ?sAA***.T* -all
>> The run was complete and I looked at the brainmask.mgz file of the
>> But I didn't see any correction.
>> I am attaching the jpg image of the sagittal view of brainmask.nii ( I
>> converted the mgz file to nii to view tham in afni)
>> SubjFS: is the image from recon-all run
>> SubjFS: is the image  from recon-all that was run with
>> Skullstrip/clean-bm/gcut options included.
>> Did I do anything wrong?
>> Your guidance and suggestion needed.
>> Thanks,
>> Rashmi.
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