Hi Clark,  I just made a modification to mri_binarize to make it take an 
FDR as input. It computes the threshold and binarizes the input based on 
the threshold. I've put a copy here:


Run it with --help to get more info.


On 08/29/2012 02:08 PM, Clark Fisher wrote:
> Hi Sebastian,
> I think you are right, both about tksurfer thresholding and the correct 
> interpretation of FDR. As you point out though, there is some value in having 
> maps that show how relatively well different points on the surface fit your 
> model.
> At the very least, is there any way to automate the retrieving of the 
> threshold that tksurfer provides? I'd still also be interested in some 
> adjustment to the whole map, if there's a way to do that as well.
> I could probably find a way to do this in Matlab, but I trust the 
> bug-squishing abilities of the freesurfer community more than I trust my own.
> -Clark
> On Aug 28, 2012, at 2:34 PM, Sebastian Moeller wrote:
>> Hi Clark,
>> On Aug 28, 2012, at 11:15 AM, Clark Fisher wrote:
>>> Hi Bruce,
>>> Thanks.  I actually have used this function of tksurfer, but am looking for 
>>> a way to save the corrected maps, so that they could be manipulated by 
>>> other tools (for instance, viewed by PySurfer).
>>      Does it really correct the map? I thought all it does is figure out the 
>> corrected threshold. By the way, if I understand correctly, FDR maps should 
>> be considered to be binary, that is you really do not know which voxels 
>> might be false positives, so you should not interpret all voxels to be 
>> equally significant. Having said that, almost everybody I know still looks 
>> at the p-value spatial distribution when looking at those FDR thresholded 
>> maps… (then again, I do not know any statistician...)
>> best
>>      Sebastian
>>> I recognize that this may not be an officially supported functionality, but 
>>> is there some way to save the adjusted overlays from tksurfer, or create 
>>> them in some other way?
>>> Best,
>>> Clark
>>> On Aug 28, 2012, at 1:58 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
>>>> Hi Clark
>>>> you shouldn't need either. Load your overlays then click the button to 
>>>> compute the FDR threshold in the tksurfer configure overlay interface.
>>>> cheers
>>>> Bruce
>>>> On Tue, 28 Aug 2012, Clark Fisher wrote:
>>>>> Ok, maybe I'm making this question too intricate. Here's the short 
>>>>> version:
>>>>> How can I FDR correct painted surface significance maps when I have no 
>>>>> talraich .xfm file and no cortical segmentation?
>>>>> Thanks again,
>>>>> Clark
>>>>> Hi Freesurfers,
>>>>> I have another monkey-specific question.  I'd like to output 
>>>>> FDR-corrected signficance surface maps for my monkey data, or at least 
>>>>> FDR-threshold the maps.  It seems like mri_surfcluster might be one way 
>>>>> to go about this however:
>>>>>       1) I don't have any .xfm files for my monkeys, as I'm working in 
>>>>> native space, and
>>>>>       2) Without segmentation, I don't have a good mask to use for the 
>>>>> cortex only. My first attempts at work-arounds would be:
>>>>>       1)Try to create an identity .xfm file
>>>>>       2)Use the cortical ribbons from mris_volmask as a cortex mask
>>>>> Should these work?  If so, how should I make an identity .xfm file?  If 
>>>>> not, is there another way to FDR correct my surface data?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Clark
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>> -- 
>> Sebastian Moeller
>> telephone: +1-626-325-8598 /+1-626-395-6523 / +1-626-395-6616
>> fax: 626-395-8826
>> German GSM:  +49 - 15 77 - 1 90 31 41
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>> moel...@caltech.edu
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>> MC 114-96
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>> 1200 East California Boulevard
>> CA 91125, Pasadena
>> USA
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MGH-NMR Center
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