Hi Clark

sorry, the end of the summer has been a period when things slip through the cracks. I think what you want is possible without a talairach or aseg, but it will need to wait for Doug to get back. Can you repost at the end of next week?

On Thu, 30 Aug 2012, Clark Fisher wrote:

Thanks Michael, I'll look into Nipy's FDR tools.  I actually started this
thread asking for help getting mri_surfcluster running for my situation (I
have no talraich .xfm and no segmentation for my monkeys).  The silence on
that topic suggest that it might not be possible, or it's at least not known
to possible.
Thanks again everyone.


On Aug 29, 2012, at 6:55 PM, Michael Waskom wrote:

      Hi Clark,
If you're loading the data into Python anyway to use with PySurfer,
Nipy seems to have some utilities to do an FDR correction
(docs/source). I've never used these, but they look pretty

Also it looks like FDR is built into mri_surfcluster.


On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 2:08 PM, Clark Fisher
<cfis...@mail.rockefeller.edu> wrote:
      Hi Sebastian,

      I think you are right, both about tksurfer thresholding
      and the correct interpretation of FDR. As you point out
      though, there is some value in having maps that show how
      relatively well different points on the surface fit your

      At the very least, is there any way to automate the
      retrieving of the threshold that tksurfer provides? I'd
      still also be interested in some adjustment to the whole
      map, if there's a way to do that as well.

      I could probably find a way to do this in Matlab, but I
      trust the bug-squishing abilities of the freesurfer
      community more than I trust my own.


      On Aug 28, 2012, at 2:34 PM, Sebastian Moeller wrote:

      > Hi Clark,
      > On Aug 28, 2012, at 11:15 AM, Clark Fisher wrote:
      >> Hi Bruce,
      >> Thanks.  I actually have used this function of
      tksurfer, but am looking for a way to save the corrected
      maps, so that they could be manipulated by other tools
      (for instance, viewed by PySurfer).
      >       Does it really correct the map? I thought all it
      does is figure out the corrected threshold. By the way, if
      I understand correctly, FDR maps should be considered to
      be binary, that is you really do not know which voxels
      might be false positives, so you should not interpret all
      voxels to be equally significant. Having said that, almost
      everybody I know still looks at the p-value spatial
      distribution when looking at those FDR thresholded maps?
      (then again, I do not know any statistician...)
      > best
      >       Sebastian
      >> I recognize that this may not be an officially
      supported functionality, but is there some way to save the
      adjusted overlays from tksurfer, or create them in some
      other way?
      >> Best,
      >> Clark
      >> On Aug 28, 2012, at 1:58 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
      >>> Hi Clark
      >>> you shouldn't need either. Load your overlays then
      click the button to compute the FDR threshold in the
      tksurfer configure overlay interface.
      >>> cheers
      >>> Bruce
      >>> On Tue, 28 Aug 2012, Clark Fisher wrote:
      >>>> Ok, maybe I'm making this question too intricate.
      Here's the short version:
      >>>> How can I FDR correct painted surface significance
      maps when I have no talraich .xfm file and no cortical
      >>>> Thanks again,
      >>>> Clark
      >>>> Hi Freesurfers,
      >>>> I have another monkey-specific question.  I'd like to
      output FDR-corrected signficance surface maps for my
      monkey data, or at least FDR-threshold the maps.  It seems
      like mri_surfcluster might be one way to go about this
      >>>>      1) I don't have any .xfm files for my monkeys,
      as I'm working in native space, and
      >>>>      2) Without segmentation, I don't have a good
      mask to use for the cortex only. My first attempts at
      work-arounds would be:
      >>>>      1)Try to create an identity .xfm file
      >>>>      2)Use the cortical ribbons from mris_volmask as
      a cortex mask
      >>>> Should these work?  If so, how should I make an
      identity .xfm file?  If not, is there another way to FDR
      correct my surface data?
      >>>> Thanks,
      >>>> Clark
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