Thanks Doug!
New version of mri_segstats is working fine for images with small voxels 

On 07/16/2012 09:43 AM, Douglas N Greve wrote:
> Hi Masaya, you are correct. I've put a new version here:
> Can you test it out? It also fixes the partial volume computation problem.
> thanks!
> doug
> On 07/06/2012 02:23 PM, Masaya Misaki wrote:
>> I've posted a question about a strange behavior of mri_segstats if voxel 
>> size isn't 1 mm3 and --pv
>> option is used.
>> I found a reason of this problem in the source code of mri_segstats.c
>> (release_5_1_0 branch was checked out from read-only CVS source-code 
>> repository)
>> In mri_segstats.c the return value from 
>> MRIvoxelsInLabelWithPartialVolumeEffects is used as the
>> number of voxels;
>> nhits =
>>      MRIvoxelsInLabelWithPartialVolumeEffects
>>      (seg, pvvol, StatSumTable[n].id, NULL, NULL);
>> vol = nhits*voxelvolume;
>> However, MRIvoxelsInLabelWithPartialVolumeEffects in utils/mri.c returns 
>> volume (e.g. volume +=
>> vox_vol; or volume += vox_vol * pv;), not the number of voxels.
>> nhits value is adjusted by voxel volume in mri_segstats.c (vol = 
>> nhits*voxelvolume), so that the
>> voxelvolume (vox_vol) is multiplied twice.
>> The volume reported by mri_segstats, therefore, is too small if the voxel 
>> volume is less than 1 mm^3
>> or too large if the voxel volume is larger than 1 mm3.
>> Note that this is not a problem when voxel volume is conformed to 1 mm3 
>> (default option in recon-all).
>> I think many of FreeSurfer programs do not support high-resolution (<  1mm3) 
>> image without conforming
>> to 1 mm3 voxel, but could you fix the problem of mri_segstats? I want to use 
>> mri_segstats with
>> partial volume correction for high-resolution MRI image.
>> Thank you,
>> --Masaya
>> On 06/26/2012 08:40 AM, Masaya Misaki wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I found volume size reported by mri_segstats is changed very much
>>> depending on voxel size when partial volume correction (--pv option) is
>>> used. The difference was much larger than that can be explained by the
>>> difference of image resolution.
>>> (mri_segstats version is 1.75.22 2011/4/27 in FreeSurfer v5.1.0)
>>> When I performed segmentation for high-resolution image (voxel size = 0.5
>>> mm^3), I found all volumes of segmented regions in aseg.stats was too
>>> small; about 8 times smaller than that was estimated from 1mm^3 conformed
>>> image.
>>> So I tested the effect of voxel size on mri_segstats.
>>> At first, recon-all was run with conforming 1mm^3 voxel (default option).
>>> Then aseg.mgz and norm.mgz were conformed to small voxel size, and
>>> mri_segstats was applied to the conformed files:
>>> mri_convert aseg.mgz aseg_cs05.mgz -cs 0.5 ­rt nearest
>>> mri_convert norm.mgz norm_cs05.mgz -cs 0.5
>>> mri_segstats --seg aseg_cs05.mgz --pv norm_cs05.mgz \
>>>      --ctab $FREESURFER_HOME/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt \
>>>      --nonempty --excludeid 0 --sum aseg_cs05.stats
>>> (these are just for testing the effect of voxel size, not for actual
>>> analysis)
>>> All volumes reported in aseg_cs05.stats (for 0.5mm^3 voxel) was about 8
>>> times smaller than aseg.stats (for 1mm^3 voxel). So the reported volume
>>> was scaled with the same ratio as the voxel size. Same effect was observed
>>> when voxel size was conformed to larger one (e.g. 1.5mm^3); reported
>>> volumes were about 3 times larger than those for 1mm^3-voxel. The number
>>> of voxels in the segmented regions (Nvoxels column in aseg.stats) were
>>> similar across different voxel sizes while voxel sizes are different.
>>> When --pv option was not used, the reported volumes were almost the same
>>> across different voxel sizes. So the partial volume correction in
>>> mri_segstats seems to depend on voxel size.
>>> Can I fix this with some missed options or shouldn't I use --pv option
>>> for the image with voxel size other than 1mm^3?
>>> thanks,
>>> --
>>> Masaya Misaki Ph.D.
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