Hi Adam, use the "paired" method in the fsgd examples.

On 06/29/2012 11:58 AM, Adam Nitenson wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to visualize the surface map showing the Post Treatment - Pre
> Treatment cortical thickness in a single subject. The Post and Pre scans
> are processed like 2 separate subjects.
> I used the commands:
> mris_preproc --f
> /cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/Subject_Files/FB12_Pairs/FB0011040
> --target fsaverage1 --hemi lh --meas thickness --out
> /cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/Analyses_Patients/FB12_Pairs/FB0011040/THICKNESS-MAP-LH.mgh
> and
> mri_glmfit --y
> /cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/Analyses_Patients/FB12_Pairs/FB0011040/THICKNESS-MAP-LH.mgh
> --fsgd /cluster/roffman/users/fsgd/FB12_Pairs/FB0011040.fsgd --C
> /cluster/roffman/users/fsgd/Top_Minus_Bottom.mtx --glmdir
> /cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/Analyses_Patients/FB12_Pairs/FB0011040/Post_Minus_Pre/LH
> --surf fsaverage lh --fwhm 4.6
> The subject and fsgd lists only have 2 subjects (the post and the pre) and
> the contrast is the 1 -1, same as the group.diff.mtx on the Wiki.
> I receive the error DOF = 0, which is likely because each group only has 1
> subject. Usually I have multiple subjects in each group. Is there an
> alterate way to generate this difference map when only using 2 subjects??
> Best,
> Adam Nitenson, B.S.
> Brain Genomics Lab
> Massachusetts General Hospital
> niten...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> Phone: 617-643-3215
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