The weird thing (given your description) is that I was in fact seeing the
label names in tkmedit (e.g., "wm-ON"), even though that information is
not in FreeSurferColorLUT.txt.  So, it appears that perhaps 'tkmedit' is
indeed set-up to read the labels that are embedded in the edits.mgz


> thanks for pointing out that bug, i've fixed it for the next release.
> per the edits.mgz, i see now that the colortable should be printed when
> mri_compile_edits is run (actually, its embedded in the edits.mgz file,
> but tkmedit is not setup to read it).  so this is the table it ought to
> print, and if you save these lines in a file, you can include that
> filename just after the edits.mgz param in the tkmedit command and it
> will load that table (instead of the default FreeSurferColorLUT.txt)  :
>   0  Unknown                           0   0   0    0
>   1  wm-OFF                            0   0 255    0
>   2  wm-ON                           255   0   0    0
>   3  brain-OFF                         0 255 255    0
>   4  brain-ON                        255 255   0    0
>   5  brainmask-OFF                     0  64 255    0
>   6  brainmask-ON                    255  26   0    0
>   7  brain.finalsurf-OFF               0 128 255    0
>   8  brain.finalsurfs-ON             255 128   0    0
>   9  aseg-CHANGED                    255 255 128    0
> N.
> On Tue, 2012-01-31 at 12:38 -0600, Michael Harms wrote:
>> Hi Nick,
>> I found a small bug in recon-all that prevents the -showedits flag from
>> working in conjunction with expert-options:
>> Line 785 in recon-all of v5.1 currently has an extraneous closing
>> parenthesis:
>>     if (-e $XOptsFile)) then
>> but should be:
>>     if (-e $XOptsFile) then
>> Also, I'm puzzled how the resulting edits.mgz gets translated when you
>> load it as a segmentation -- e.g., areas with an addition to wm.mgz
>> appear to be assigned the value 2 in edits.mgz, and are labeled as "wm-
>> ON" if you load edits.mgz as a segmentation, but I don't see any entry
>> for "wm-ON" in FreeSurferColorLUT.txt itself.  Where is the full "key"
>> for the values in edits.mgz?
>> thanks,
>> -MH
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