Hi Mike

can you tar and gzip a subject dir with strange results? All manually 
specified CPs are included. Then there is an initial intensity segmentation 
for stuff that is very likely to be wm, after-which there are a set of 
region-growing steps. That's actually the cortical one.The subcortical is a 
bit gentler and more complex as it includes spatial priors and multiple 


On Mon, 30 Jan 
2012, Michael Harms wrote:

> Hi Bruce,
> Can you elaborate briefly on the 6-connected bit?  e.g., if one places a
> CP manually in a voxel, and that CP is not face-connected on all sides
> to either other manually-placed CPs, or CPs determined automatically by
> FS, then it doesn't get counted as a CP after all?
> Is there any volume that allows one to see the automatically generated
> CPs?
> Something definitely seems wonky about the inclusion of the manually-
> specified CPs as part of the aseg normalization (mri_ca_normalize),
> because the resulting norm.mgz (and thus eventually brain.mgz) ends up
> differing appreciably in locations distant from the manually placed CPs.
> In contrast, if you skip the re-creation of the norm.mgz by using the -
> nocanorm flag, the resulting brain.mgz is much more reasonably behaved,
> with its largest differences in the vicinity of the CPs.
> thanks,
> -MH
> On Fri, 2012-01-27 at 14:58 -0500, Bruce Fischl wrote:
>> Hi Mike
>> it's a bit hard to state the region of effect for the control points.
>> Essentially we go through and label voxels as control points or not based
>> on their intensity, intensity gradient and connectivity (that is, the must
>> be 6-connected to other control points) then build a Voronoi diagram and
>> each control point sets the scaling for its Voronoi triangle. Thus if you
>> have a control point surrounded by others its region of effect is small,
>> but one control point all by itself can have a large region of effect.
>> Also, 5.1  applies the manually specified control points to the aseg
>> normalization (norm.mgz), whereas older versions didn't. Not everyone is
>> happy with this, so I think there is a backwards compatibility flag. Nick
>> would know.
>> Bruce
>> On Fri, 27 Jan 2012, Sabin Khadka wrote:
>>> Hi Michael,I had the same problem too. It might be because of the type of 
>>> scanner you are using. I added -washu_mprage flag, it pretty
>>> much helped me (I did not had to add a lot of controls points and so on so 
>>> forth. You can go through the link below.
>>> https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/pipermail//freesurfer/2009-August/011695.html
>>> Hope it helps.
>>> -SK
>>> On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 12:06 PM, Michael Harms <mha...@conte.wustl.edu> 
>>> wrote:
>>>       Hi guys,
>>>       We are currently trying to fix some errors in the white/pial surfaces
>>>       where there are thin white matter strands by using control points, and
>>>       are noticing a couple things:
>>>       1) The resulting WM surface in the area of the CPs can end up too far
>>>       into the GM instead.  Given that, is there any practical guidance for
>>>       how to think about the surrounding spatial extent that is impacted by 
>>> a
>>>       given CP?  i.e., How do CP's actually get used within mri_normalize in
>>>       an algorithmic sense?
>>>       2) The surfaces are being impacted in places distant from the CPs.
>>>       e.g., CP's placed in the left anterior temporal lobe are resulting in
>>>       surface changes in the right anterior temporal lobe.  And when I
>>>       difference the original norm.mgz vs. the one obtained after using 
>>> CP's,
>>>       I'm seeing an odd pattern of intensity differences which is clearly 
>>> not
>>>       limited to just the area of the CP's (which would be my expectation).
>>>       This is version 5.1.
>>>       thanks,
>>>       -MH
>>>       --
>>>       Michael Harms, Ph.D.
>>>       --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>       Conte Center for the Neuroscience of Mental Disorders
>>>       Washington University School of Medicine
>>>       Department of Psychiatry, Box 8134
>>>       Renard Hospital, Room 6604           Tel: 314-747-6173
>>>       660 South Euclid Ave.                Fax: 314-747-2182
>>>       St. Louis, MO 63110                  Email: mha...@wustl.edu
>>>       --------------------------------------------------------------------
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