Hi Kiley, the problem is with your matlab setup. As you point out your matlab is 32 bit but your machine is 64 bit. This should be able to run, but I don't know how to modify the matlab install to make it run. If you can, try to upgrade to the 64bit version.

On 1/13/12 1:48 PM, Kiley wrote:

Begin forwarded message:

*From: *Kiley <kiley_seym...@yahoo.com.au <mailto:kiley_seym...@yahoo.com.au>>
*Date: *January 13, 2012 1:17:04 PM GMT+01:00
*To: *freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu <mailto:freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> *Subject: **Re: matlab: No MATLAB bin directory for this machine architecture.*

Hi Freesurfers

I have just begun using Freesurfer (and the mac terminal) to do my retinotopic mapping. So far I have found the reconstruction and pre-analysis to be far superior than anything I have used before. However, I am now at the stage of running the selxavg3-sess command ( selxavg3-sess -a rtopy.self.lh -s IFEE2211 -no-preproc ) and I am getting the following error. I googled the error and found a post that says I must change a line in the selxavg3-sess script so that my 32bit version of MATLAB can be used, but I am not very familiar with the files formats used and my attempts to change them in order to successfully progress have been futile. Your help for such a 'basic user' question will be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance!


[labs-MacBook-Pro:fmri/retmapping/fsRetinotopy] kiley% selxavg3-sess -a rtopy.self.lh -s IFEE2211 -no-preproc

Surface data self lh
selxavg3-sess logfile is /Users/kiley/fmri/retmapping/fsRetinotopy/log/selxavg3-sess-bold-rtopy.self.lh-120113110658.log
Fri Jan 13 11:06:59 CET 2012
anadir = /Users//fmri/retmapping/fsRetinotopy/IFEE2211/bold/rtopy.self.lh
DoGLMFit = 1
DoContrasts = 1
UpdateNeeded = 1
------- matlab output --------------------

  matlab: No MATLAB bin directory for this machine architecture.

         ARCH = maci64

ERROR: fast_selxavg3() failed\n

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