Hi Joana,

You should use the lowb volume as the moving volume for the registration 
and then apply the output registration matrix to your FA volume. You can 
also add the --o flag to your below command so that the resampled and 
registered volume gets written out at the end. You would want that and 
your template to be in alignment.


On Fri, 14 Oct 2011, Joana Braga Pereira wrote:

> Dear Bruce and Anastasia,
> Thanks for the quick reply!
> I tried the bbregister as you suggested but when i visualize the target and 
> dti image they don't look registered at all.
> This is the comand i used:
> bbregister --s CN01 --mov /home/joana/FA/CN01/dti_FA.nii.gz --reg 
> /home/joana/FA/CN01/register.dat --init-fsl --dti --template-out 
> /home/joana/FA/CN01/template.nii.gz --fslmat /home/joana/FA/CN01/flirt.tmx
> I tried to use the bbregister tools to align them but I didn't get very far...
> Did i miss something?
> I read in another mail something about using the register.dat created in 
> bbregister and do mri_label2vol but i'm not sure how to do it.
> Thanks,
> Joana
> 2011/10/13 Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>       Hi Joana,
>       try bbregister.
>       cheers
>       Bruce
>       On Thu, 13 Oct 2011, Joana Braga Pereira wrote:
>       Dear FreeSurfers,
>       I'm trying to coregister FA images pre-processed with FSL to 
> Freesurfer, however i'm having a few problems and was wondering if someone 
> could help me out.
>       These are the steps that i carried out:
>       mri_convert subj_01/mri/brain.mgz brain.nii.gz
>       fslswapdim brain.nii.gz x z -y brain_swap.nii.gz
>       flirt -ref brain_swap.nii.gz -in nodif_brain.nii.gz -out XXX.nii.gz 
> -omat XXX.mat -cost corratio -dof 6 -interp trilinear
>       flirt -in myFA.nii.gz -ref XXX.nii.gz -out myFA_coregistered.nii.gz 
> -applyxfm -init XXX.mat
>       Unfortunately myFA_coregistered.nii.gz was not as good as i expected 
> since I want to extract the mean FA values of a subcortical ROI from 
> freesurfer and to do that you need
>       quite good coregistration.
>       Does anyone know a better way to do this?
>       Many thanks,
>       Joana
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