
We (Aapo Nummenmaa and I) are developing cross-platform software that
would allow translating third-party coordinates back and forth with
Freesurfer segmentations.

Our example structural image is MEMPRAGE_4e_p2_1mm_iso (1 mm isotropic,
192 sagittal slices, T1 weighting).

Our third-party system (TMS-navigator Nexstim NBS) uses DICOM/nifti with
origin (0,0,0) at right posterior inferior corner of the stack with x=R-L
y=I-S z=P-A.

Our goal is to relate the Nexstim NBS coordinates to these two images:
1. $SUBJECTS_DIR/$SUBJECT/mri/orig/001.mgz (not altered by recon-all)
2. $SUBJECTS_DIR/$SUBJECT/mri/T1.mgz (altered by recon-all)

For (1) above, "Volume Index" in tkmedit looks like this: origin (0,0,0)
is at right anterior superior corner of the stack with x=A-P y=S-I z=R-L.
Max values in tkmedit display were (255,243,191). The acquisition had 192
sagittal slices so the last number makes sense - not sure why the second
figure is not 255 (perhaps just a display thing). The orig/001.mgz stack
should be exactly the same stack as in the Nexstim NBS image (which is
just the plain DICOM), without any resampling or other processing, just
the axes have been reshuffled a bit.

For (2) above, "Volume Index" in tkmedit looks like this: origin (0,0,0)
is at right posterior superior corner of the stack with x=R-L y=S-I z=P-A.
Max values in tkmedit display were (255,255,255). This makes things
difficult, as we do not know what exactly recon-all did to orig/001.mgz
when it converted it into T1.mgz.

Our question is this: Is there a deterministic way to go from orig/001.mgz
to T1.mgz Volume Index coordinates? It seems that recon-all has at least
added sagittal slices to make the T1.mgz stack into a cube (looking at
lateral shift between 001.mgz and T1.mgz, I would guess that 32 1-mm
slices on both sides (2*32+192=256) were added)... Further, it is not
clear if the orig/001.mgz volume has been shifted, rotated, or resampled
by recon-all when turning it into T1.mgz.

Thank you for the advice!


Tommi & Aapo

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