Hi Myriam,

did you check the aseg? Unless the talairach.xfm is *really* off I don't think it will have much impact, but you should visually inspect them.

On Mon, 15 Aug 2011, Myriam Siefert wrote:

Hi Nick,
I have this problem with quite a few of my subjects, usually the fuzzy
transform volume in tkregister looks smaller than the subject's brain. To
what extend should I manually edit the xfm (what criterions are mandatory
for that transform to be acceptable)?

Actually what puzzles me is that those same subjects' transforms look much
better with FS 5.1. What could explain this?

Also, what would be the impact of a bad affine transform on the subcortical
volume based stream? (my primary interrests are amygdala and hippocampus

Thanks for your help,

2011/8/15 Nick Schmansky <ni...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
      i'm able to replicate what you see in tkmedit when the transform
      created using the -use-mritotal flag.  i cant explain why this
      and is a bit unsettling given that the -tal-check portion passed
      and the
      transform looks good in tkregister.

      the transform created by the default (not using the
      -use-mritotal flag)
      seems good enough for freesurfer purposes, and it looks correct
      tkmedit (when loading the talairach.xfm), so i would suggest
      using that


On Mon, 2011-08-15 at 11:54 -0500, Myriam Siefert wrote:
> Hi Nick,
> Sorry to bother you but I wondered if you had had the time to take a
> look at my dataset.
> Thank you very much,
> Myriam
> 2011/8/11 Myriam Siefert <myriamsief...@gmail.com>
>         Hi Nick,
>         I just would like to make sure that you had received my
>         otherwise I can send it again possibly by another mean if
>         better.
>         Thanks a lot for your help
>         Sincerely,
>         Myriam
>         2011/8/10 Myriam Siefert <myriamsief...@gmail.com>
>                 Hi Bruce and Nick,
>                 Thank you so much for taking a look!
>                 Right now I'm uploading the set on the anonymous ftp
>                 server
>                 (ftp://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/transfer/incoming)
>                 talairach_issue.zip. It should appear to you in
>                 1 hour.
>                 It contains 2 versions of the same subject, the only
>                 difference is that OK-J-20bis was run with the
>                 -use-mritotal flag.
>                 Please let me know if there's any problem with the
>                 upload or if you need anything else.
>                 Sincerely,
>                 Myriam
>                 2011/8/10 Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>                         Hi  Myriam
>                         Could you send nick a dataset so he can take
>                         look?
>                         Thanks
>                         Bruce
>                         On Aug 10, 2011, at 10:24 AM, Myriam Siefert
>                         <myriamsief...@gmail.com> wrote:
>                         >
>                         > Hi freesurfers,
>                         >
>                         > I'm currently re-processing with FS5.1
>                         > data that i had already processed with
>                         > and am experiencing some unexpected issues
>                         > with the linear talairach transform.
>                         >
>                         > - While manually checking with Tkregister,
>                         > noticed that some off the subjects had
>                         > unsatisfying transforms , while no
>                         > failure was detected on the log
>                         > - The transforms looked ok for those
>                         > subjects in FS 5.0
>                         > - I re-run autorecon1 using the
>                         > -use-mritotal flag
>                         > - While still no error in the log file,
>                         > transforms usually then look acceptable in
>                         > Tkregister but completely wrong when
>                         > talairach.xfm is loaded in tkmedit  :
>                         > transformation in the top or bottom left
>                         > corners, coronal and transversal views
>                         > interverted, sagittal views rotated by 90
>                         > degrees...
>                         > This happens for a few (not all) of the
>                         > subjects that I've re-processed with FS5.1
>                         > so far.
>                         >
>                         > I'm probably doing something wrong but
>                         > figure out what nor what to do about it.
>                         > Any advice would be highly appreciated.
>                         >
>                         > Thanks in advance
>                         >
>                         > Myriam Siefert, MD, MS candidate
>                         > Visiting scholar in SACNlab Northwestern
>                         > University
>                         >
>                         >
>                         >
>                         >
>                         > Freesurfer mailing list
>                         > Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>                         >
>                         The information in this e-mail is intended
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