Hi Rouhi

it's hard to tell from looking at the sphere.reg by itself. In general though if the parcellations are correct then the registration must be pretty good.

On Thu, 11 Aug 2011, Rouhollah Abdollahi wrote:

Dear Bruce
I checked the parcellation and look quiet OK. I attached two subjects , whcih 
subj_1 shows bad registration to fsaverage  and subj_2 shows the
good registration.  I attached a file which compare two subjects according to 
sphere and sphere.reg. For the subj_1 , it has more figures to see
how the parcellation is. 
Thanks in advance


On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 10:48 AM, Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> 
      Hi Rouhi

      check the parcellations. If they are correct then the sphere.reg must be 
pretty accurate.


On Thu, 11 Aug 2011, Rouhollah Abdollahi wrote:

      Dear Bruce

      I am working on Freesurfer 2 caret meshes. I am using   
FreeSurfer2CaretConvertAndRegisterClean.sh from Van Essen lab to create
      caret surfaces. when I look at my subjects'
      surfaces I can see in flat map in caret some of subjects sulci patterns 
are really distorted and I think it is related to
      sphere registration to fsaverage sphere. Beacsue
      the code is using sphere.reg to create all surfaces. for the subjects 
which I have less distortion on sulci pattern I have good
      data  (3 subjects) but for the (9 subjects)
      rest it seems they have problem to register to fsaverage. Is there any 
way that I can be sure that
      sphere.reg properly created? 

      Thank you very much


      On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 4:37 AM, Bruce Fischl 
<fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:
           Try using fsaverage as the trgsubject

           On Aug 10, 2011, at 8:35 PM, Rouhollah Abdollahi 
<roohy...@gmail.com> wrote:

           > .V1_reg.label --regmethod surface --srcsurfreg sphere --trgsurfreg 
sphere.reg --hemi rh and when I tried to load the
      output label file on fsaverage surface
           like inflated one it shows a lot of point looks like it is not 
deformed properly. Is it related to registration to
      fsaverage or something esle? The question is
           how I can register the subjects surfaces to fsaverage surfaces? -- 
With Best Regards Rouhi --0015175120c69a3c6804aa2ffb81
      Content-Type: text/html;
           charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Dear 
freesurfer experts
           > I've tried to export my label file from individual space to 
fsaverage space by using this command:
           > mri_label2label --srclabel rh.V1.label --srcsubject SUB1  
--trgsubject SUB1 --trglabel rh.V1_reg.
      > like it is not deformed properly.
      > Is it related to registration to fsaverage or something esle?
      > The question is how I can register the subjects surfaces to fsaverage

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      With Best Regards
                 Rouhollah Abdollahi

With Best Regards
           Rouhollah Abdollahi

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