Dear FS experts,

    Freesurfer could provide for every participant a standardized partition
of the cortex into 66 regional areas. My aim is to use freesurfer to
subdivide these regional areas into a set of small and compact regions,
resulting in high resolution atlas covering the entire cortex (taken from
Hagmann et al. (2008) in PLoS Biol). We tried to used the

    mris_divide_parcellation fsaverage rh aparc.annot 100 rh_annot_100
(However, this creates a parcellation of long strips per region, that is not
a good partition for what we want.)

    Then, we used the

    "mris_make_face_parcellation lh.orig  $FREESURFER_HOME/lib/bem/ic3.tri
./lh.ic3.annot". The results look nice, but I have the following questions:

(1)Can i used the "mris_make_face_parcellation" based on the "aparc.annot"?

(2)How can i conver the .annot file into .hdr/.img mask files? I read the
introduction about "mri_label2vol", but i was still confused. If i want to
convert aparc.annot files in fsaverage, what the input files are for
"--temp" and "--seg"?

(3)I read the "lh.ic3.annot" in Matlab (read_annotation.m). For
"colortable.struct_names", the name is "ic3.tri_vertex_0"(to
"ic3.tri_vertex_641"), how to know which brain regions it belong to? how to
know each vertex's MNI coordinate?

(4)"mris_make_face_parcellation lh.orig  $FREESURFER_HOME/lib/bem/ic3.tri
./lh.ic3.annot" . I only see 7 options in:
$FREESURFER_HOME/lib/bem/ic[1-7].tri (as per the program usage). Can I
specify custom ic*.tri files (and also, how would those be generated)?

Good Luck
Life Sciences Research Center
Xidian University
Xi'an China
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