<p>Dear FS experts,<br />I use qdec to do two group study. in QDEC,
it set Normal = 1 and Disease = 2, use&nbsp;AGE as covariate&nbsp;and
apply DODS model, after analyze group cortical thickness, it showed significant
negative T value (blue color) in some brain areas. I have two questions in
qdec<br />1. the contrast&nbsp; set as 1 -1 0 0 but I don't know
if it represents as Normal - Disease (normal group is thinner than Disease) or
Disease - Normal (disease group is thinner than normal) ?<br />2. is this
results come from correction of multiple comparison ? or I still need to re-set
FDR level (default is 0.05) and re-run it ?<br />thanks in advance<br
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